Monday, June 8, 2020

From NoelW: Playing both sides: Lord of the Rings

As time is running out, I thought I’d try hard this week to do something for as many of my outstanding projects as possible, to see how close I could get to achieving my original plan. It turns out: not very.

My son decided we should watch The Fellowship of the Ring. Dammit! I’ve been such a sucker for that story all my life, since first picking up the book in the school library in 1967. So, whenever we watch the film, I automatically resurrect a LOTR project. It's a compulsion. (You don’t want to know how many LOTR projects I’ve started. I’ll give you a hint: currently there are 11 Gandalfs in the house. And possibly some I've forgotten).

So this time I made another stab at forces for the Pelennor Fields. For the side of all that looks real Good wearing of the white hat of truth, justice and the Gondorian way, here are 12 Swan Knights, currently looking for their horses:

Whilst for their dastardly foes, representing all that is Dark, Evil and almost certainly unnecessarily smelly: 6 mounted Haradrim 

and 9 on foot:

That’s 21 foot and 6 mounted 28mm figs (all GW, of course), so 165 points, making my imaginary total for the Challenge 1454 points (although nothing for the side challenge with Stuart this week. He may have me beat.)

So far am I from the plan I began with, I'm not posting an update this week. Just imagine everything is going amazingly well, on course for a spectacular successful save in the final fortnight, then if you expect to be disappointed at the finishing line at least that expectation will succeed.


  1. Swan Knights! Haradrim! This is great, well done Noel.

  2. Lovely looking Swan knights and the mounted and dismounted Haradrim are ace!
    Best Iain

  3. I have the same experience every time I see/read the story (which I've just started again, as it happens). Lovely work Noel. I really like the vibrant colours of the Haradrim.

  4. They all look great, the red and blue on the Haradrim work very well. Even though it looks like they may have run off with the swan knights' horses.

  5. Some really nice additions to your collection there. 11+ Gandalfs does seem a little excessive though.

  6. Yep - time for me to read the book again, I think. Was it Christopher Lee who said he read it every year? I've probably only read it 5 or 6 times, I guess.
    Re Gandalfs: my count goes: 5 in 28mm, 2 in 10mm, 2 in 54mm (approx), 1 as statue from Chess set, 2 Lego, so I think that's actually 12! (Although there's at least one unpainted fig, too). Maybe time for a Gandalf pruning...

    1. Well, that's 11 players and a reserve. Just paint up 11 or 12 Balrogs and you're all set!

    2. Unfortunately I'm about 10 balrogs short!
