Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Frrom MartijnN: I'm out (5 points)

Well, I have been vaccinated. As a matter of fact almost two weeks ago, and I have been struggling to get some painting done. As a typical Belgian autumn has suddenly turned into a typical Belgian tropical summer my painting mojo has slipped below the horizon, however, so the planned out-with-a-bang post has turned into a rather disappointing sizzle.

Still, I have this rather interesting figure for you, advertised as a Fly Trap. I'm not sure yet whether is a plant or an animal, it has a bit of both. It is once again from the Scourge of Valtan Forest Kickstarter. I painted it using Citadel Contrast and Scale75 Instant Colours. 

So there we are. As it is technically a 28mm figure I will award myself 5 points for it, which brings my total of the Vaccination Challenge to 276 points. Not as much as I would have liked, but still mildly satisfying.

Obviously, I will keep following the Vaccination Challenge. Thanks to all who looked at my posts and commented on them; much appreciated! I hope that numbers in the Vaccination Challenge may dwindle swiftly as we all get our vaccines. I look forward to seeing you all again at the end of the year in the "proper" Challenge! As much fun as the Vaccination Challenge has been, I would rather that it be a one-time experience. Take care!