Wednesday, May 6, 2020

From MattT, Winning the arms race - VBCW

This next post will be a bit of a suprise for my brother, but sometimes you just see a model and know you have to have it. This was the case with this Seabrook armoured car from Empress Miniatures. I also knew i wanted to crew it with sailors. Scouting round i found some from Pulp Figures. Scale wise they are a bity larger, but luckly they also sold a naval gun that gave me an excuse to up gun the model. I mounted the crew and the gun on a piece of plasticard so it can fire out the port and starboard side. 

Vickers machinegun mounted on a moterbike and sidecar - Yes Please.
Model was a generous christmas present from my brother who might end up regretting it. From 1st Corp WW1 range. Head swap on the passenger so they fit in with my militia.

Stay safe Matt

KenR - Baddies, Blaggers and Slaaagggs

In a leafy lane in Richshire England  group of armed blaggers are after the family art collection of the local gentry, who can save us all !

The start of the Robbers cast for my 7tv game, a lovely bunch of balaclava clad thugs ready to nick owt that ain't nailed down.

The figures are from Crooked Dice and as with the uniformed police there are a couple of duplicates in here which I have tried to paint up differently.

Paint wise it's a very straight forward job after all these lot are not trying to stand out whilst on a job !

That's 8 more figures giving me 40 points up to 844.

Next up will be the last of my Kingdom of Jerusalem Foot.

From SanderS: Rebel Fleet Troopers (49points)


Yes yes, more SWL Rebels, I am dearly sorry people! Sadly there's quite a lot still of Star Wars related stuff coming.

Okay so today I am going to show you guys the quintessential Star Wars "Redshirts" dying like flies in the first scenes of the very first SW movie ever: Fleet Troopers.

For game purposes FFG have decided that most units are made up of 7 figures including 1 officer and at least 1 often 2 special weapons troopers. Because these chaps really look a lot alike, as well as their weapons, I decided to give them colour tags on their backs.

Last time I checked I had a grand total of 196 Challenge points, together with these 49 that makes 245 points. On to some 15mm figures for Fran's Ford!

From MartijnN: Minifigs! Crimean War no less.

I have not been very productive last week as family matters occupied most of my time. However, at last I have produced something. Which provides me with an excuse to bore you with some more nostalgia.

When I was a schoolboy, we used to visit my gran. There was not much to do around her place for little children, but one of my uncles still lived with her and he had a great collection of books. One book that had a mesmerizing (some might say fatal) attraction for me was this:

 In particular, I was thrilled by this chapter:

Eventually, I got my own copy. This was the first I learned about the Crimean War and I was fascinated. Believe it or not, this war is not well known in the Netherlands. But I was fascinated. French and British fighting Russia? Together? In some far-away peninsula? The Charge of the Light Brigade? Of course, the Crimea was part of the USSR then and firmly behind the Iron Curtain...

Did I tell you I was fascinated? Even more when I managed to lay my hand on this boardgame, which had an interesting historical background booklet which I must have virtually memorized.

Long story (a little) shorter, when sometime in the 80s Minifigs announced a new series of 15mm Crimean War figures some of my friends and me teamed up to persuade our moderately friendly local game store to order some for us. Frankly, when they arrived, after a very long delay, they proved something of a disappointment; the French were in full dress uniform which was not worn in the field, and the poses were a little awkward for wargaming . Still, I painted up some and we had a few games. And then I moved, lost touch with my club and the figures ended up in a box. Which was where I found them, including these half-painted ones:

So I decided to finish them after thirty-odd years, maintaining the style from back then, and to base them for Volley & Bayonet (as I don't see me using Newbury Fastplay 19th century anymore...).

The flag is from Revo, another blast from the past I suppose.

All of this meant, of course, that I also had to rebase the other figures in my collection, with which I have made a start accordingly (the new arrivals in the middle):

The paintjob on some of these figures is far from stellar, usually because I was experimenting with home-made washes and those experiments did not always work out, but I really am not up to repainting them all. I have still got lots of Russians and more French to rebase.... And all of this is not really reducing my lead pile either.

I am quite happy to find that the Challenge really encourages me to take up some projects I didn't even remember anymore! I wonder what's up next? Stay tuned!

From TeemuL: Walls and boxes (5 points)

Not much this week, just a couple of wall sections (4) from the Sigmarite Mausoleum box, which I bought almost three years ago to have some terrain on the Age of Sigmar Skirmish games. Better late than never, and of course these can be used in other environments as well. I have now finished all the walls, just two big gates and couple of mausoleums to paint. These were painted in greenish black like most of stone buildings, it is quick and rather easy. These just had lots of skulls and metal pikes, so it was not that quick. All of these were started long before AHPCX.


I painted the shields in different colors to get some brightness and variation to the walls.

Some GW Texture (Technical nowadays) paint on the ground to create a lava like effect.


Most of my hobby time went to assembling and filling these Warchests from Sally4th. They are very nice and they fit very nicely on my shelves, which was a major factor when choosing what to buy.

These white Delux boxes were on discount and there were some issues, but I contacted them and they will send the missing parts in the next shipment, once I figure out what I actually need.

I'll reward myself 5 points for finishing the walls, nothing else.

U: 4 (total 10)
N: 0 (total 4)
W: 0 (total 1)
F: 0 (total 12)
R: 0 (total 14)

S: 0 (total 2)

5 bonus points for finishing terrain pieces started before AHPCX
5 total (total 208)

From Minion TeemuL:
Very cool storage system and nice walls.

From SimonG: HYW Billmen

Next up and close to finishing my French 1420s HYW army are a couple of stands of city Billmen representing Orleans (in black) and Angers (blue and red).

The figures are all Perry metals - actually two of the same set with a couple of additions from other Perry sets.

I especially liked the guy dealing with the arrow (just a flesh wound I'm sure!)


Messing around with fancy patterns :-)

Oops - googly eyes!

Steady lads!

Don't you hate those mould lines that you thought you'd got rid of!
To finish I have a couple of stands of Front Rank men at arms and one more stand of mounted nobles and then on to the English!

I also couldn't resist posting a link to this -- a print of which is on order to adorn my walls!