It has been a while since my last post, probably two weeks or so, but worry not, I'm safe and healthy. It's just that I have had four largish hobby projects on my desk recently, and it is difficult to finish anything... I was also busy with other non-hobby tasks, painting fences and stuff.
But here are three brand new Speed Freeks from the game Speed Freeks by
Games Workshop, you can buy these individually as well (from WH40K
range), but if you want to buy the cars and other stuff, it would be
just crazy to skip the starter box.
I selected rather general coloring for these ork, lots of red and yellow with some metal and black. Orks themselves are naturally green. Pretty much everything painted on Contrasts except the metals and skulls and horns and that kinf of things.
I stupidly glued them all together before starting to paint, which made it rather difficult to paint the face, chest and some other areas. They came up ok and being orks, I forgave a bit of messyness.
I considered some weathering and dirt, but on the other hand I like bright and clear models on the tabletop, dioramas are a different thing of course.
My main aim on the painting was not to get too much yellow or red next to each other, which was rather easy, since orks don't care that much of uniforms and they can paint some piece of metal red and some yellow and do it opposite way on the next bike. They are built from scrap anyway.
I was trying to be rather neat, but not too neat. Contrast paints helped quite a lot on that. I kept the bases quite basic, just some cracking texture paint from GW
and sand colored trims. They should be home at the most of the dust
tracks they go.
There is a plan that I will be using these during the summer, when we start a Speed Freeks campaign, but we need to finish the Kill Team campaign first. Hopefully I have enough time to build and paint one of the cars as well.
U: 0 (total 10)
N: 3 (total 7)
W: 0 (total 1)
F: 3 (total 15)
R: 0 (total 14)
S: 0 (total 2)
14 points per one "bigger than 28mm cavalry model" for total of 42 points
42 total (total 250)
From Minion TeemuL:
I do like these and I do look forward to see the cars!