Wednesday, April 22, 2020

From JamieM - some terrain pieces

Hello fellow challengers!  Here is my first post for this esteemed blog.  It's taken me a while as work has been super busy since everything kicked off.  Even when I did get time to myself, it was all I could really manage to wield a large brush and some emulsion/rattle cans and so I thought I should get on with some terrain as I have an embarrassingly large pile in the garage waiting for me to do it....

These are all 28mm MDF pieces from TTCombat, who produce a ridiculously large range of terrain at fantastic prices.  There's a Music shop, super market, 2 pieces of monorail and a refuse truck.

Side vie of the supermarket and the rear of the dump truck, home maded decals for the graffiti.

The other side of the supermarket (ewww, that employee entrance is mucky.....) 

This is the side of the music store, with more hand printed decals.

And the other side, with bare brick.  I painted it all one colour and then picked out odd bricks in slightly different colours and I think it works rather well to break up the wall and make it look a little more realistic.  It's the same with the roof tiles on the super market.

The monorail tracks are to go with the other 3 that I already have to add a bit of verticality to the battlefield.  Even if nobody ever goes on them, I figure they'll look nice.


  1. This is so cool Jamie! I LOVE the garbage truck! This stuff will work very well in a number of settings.

    I too have a big pile of terrain I "should" paint, but I always find a reason to paint something else instead...

  2. Home made decals?! What black magic is this? Lovely work Jamie. The graffiti is brilliant and I'm strangely fascinated by the monorail. Will there be monorail cars on the horizon?

    1. Home made decals are done on printable decal paper, think I got mine from amazon..... and they changed my hobby life 😁

      Graffiti and lots of other applications.

      Just remember to spray Matt varnish on them once printed and dried, otherwise the ink all runs like it did on my first attempt!

    2. Wonderful! I'm definitely going to give that a go. Thanks!

  3. The grime and graffiti are great. Nice work.

  4. Great job. Love he graffiti—especially the Bansky-esque stencil to the left.

  5. Some lovely terrain and that Bin Wagon (what's a refuse truck 🤔) is ace 👍

  6. Really nice work, love the home printed stuff. TTC do some great terrain.

  7. Lovely looking terrain! Agreed TT combat do some really nice stuff!
    Best Iain
