Saturday, May 16, 2020

From DrQ: A Wizzard Tower

My work this week centered on a scratch-built, trash-bash wizzard (sic!) tower. The core is made of a shampoo bottle. I then covered it with bricks of foam core that were hot glued in place. The tiles are craft foam. The whole thing was covered in a mix of Modge Podge and black paint before painting with a final layer of only Modge Podge at the end. I find this makes for pretty resilient terrain.

Survivor Marie Claude here is provide for scale. Here's a more accurate idea of scale (though less dramatic). 

I'd include more pics; but to be honest, the a tower is rather the same on all sides.

Stay safe!

From ClarenceH: Cameron Highlanders

Done and Dusted!

Second Platoon is led by Lieutenant Ponsonby Worthing and Sergeant McGruffing, turned out for inspection under the critical eye of Captain 'Fighting George' Rippington and Sergeant Major Archer.

I'm excited to get the company finished as it gives me the core for a British force I can actually use for small games and marks the end of painting tartans for a while. I'd really like to paint up the full battalion (four platoons in TSATF) present at Kosha, but I'll save that for the future. I really want to get stuck in with the Mahdists (there are around 100 lined up on the table for the next few weeks) and add some variety to my Imperials.

I'm really enjoying this project. More soon!

From DaveD - Germans infantry at ATGs - 84 points

On a bit of a roll this week , this afternoon I finished the first platoon of panzer grenadiers and a couple of Pak40s

Few more of these to come next

From TomM: Star Trek NX Class

The first model from the WizKids range I painted, though as it is a Deep Cuts sub-line, it doesn`t come with the cards of dial to play the game.

Which is actually fine by my, as it was planned to be used in something else anyways...

The NX class, from the Enterprise series, is for me a rather beautiful design, and I liked it from the moment the series aired and it took off in the pilot, Broken Bow.  While the series got a fair amount of critiscism, I thought it not bad at all to be honest, and I loved Scott Bakula's captain Archer performance.

The model itself is in what might best be described "playable scale", because if this would be 1/7000 like for example Galaxy classes often are, it would fit in it's shuttle bay in a manner of speaking.

Painted mainly metallic, as the vessel was on the screen compared to the more white and later grey colour schemes of Federation ships, this was good heaps of fun to do, and it looks nifty for the tabletop to boot.

Cool little model for sure, and now to see wether to get into the actual game but the starter box is sheer impossible to find at online stores and WizKids doesn`t ship outside the US of A, or just build a collection of the ships if I can pick them up in bargain bins and the likes...