Wednesday, April 8, 2020

from RayR - 25mm 3rd Chasseur a Cheval

I thought it was about time I posted some figures in the all new Quarantine Challenge!
Like the majority of you guys I'm off work at the moment on Furlough, there isn't a lot 
of call for beer at the moment, don't know if you've noticed???
I'm on the start of week three and have been working on these luvvly looking chaps, the 3rd Chasseurs a Chaval.

The keen eyed among you will notice that they're not based???
That's because I've painted them up for a fellow blooger Dave Crook. here's a link to Dave's blog,
Dave is in the middle of a Napoleonic adventure, he's collecting the range of figures produced
by Del Prado a few years ago for the Battle of Waterloo. There are a few units missing from the collection one being the 3rd Chasseurs a Cheval. 
Gotta admit these figures nearly killed me, they're old Minifigs and don't have a lot of detail on
them, and what's there you really have to dig out, but I persevered and got them completed.
Hopefully they'll be off in the post to Dave soon, so he can do the biz with them. He's going all old school on them, basing them on plain green bases and slopping 10 ton of gloss varnish all over them.
Just for my own personal tally, I'm giving myself points as we do in the AHPC. So these bad boys are worth 200 points, but they're not based so I'll knock off 10% giving me a grand total of 


  1. Lovely old school chasseur a cheval!
    Best Iain

  2. Nicely done Chasseurs and their Chevals, Ray!

  3. Ooh, these look terrific Ray. Very clean brushwork and punchy colours. Well done!

  4. Ha, the workhorse of the French light cavalry. And minifigs are always great, you’ve done them proud. Good show!

  5. Lovely work, your friend should be very pleased with these.

  6. Very nice looking cavalry there

  7. Wot? Ray painting troops in shakes? Excellent work on these lovely old minifigs.

  8. Proper old skool kool, can't beat a bit of Minifigs 👍

  9. Really nice Ray, it's good of you to give these oldies such a good paintjob!
