Friday, May 15, 2020

From TimG - 1/285 Scud TEL

Just finished two of these GHQ monsters.  Most of us will associate Scuds with the 1991 Gulf War but they’ve been around in various forms since the late 1950s. The Soviet designation for the missile is 8K14 and the TEL (transported/erector/launcher) vehicle is a MAZ-543. I recently discovered that MAZ still exists and continues to churn out heavy trucks in Minsk (Belarus).
I appreciate that opportunities to field a system with a range of 700km may be limited, but that’s no reason not to have one. Or two.
And yes, the missile should be the same green as the TEL but where would be the fun in that?


  1. As I remember it the modern combat rules I used back in the 80s had an option for deploying a tactical nuke .. it kind of put a bit of a downer on the rest of the game however :-)

    Nice TEL however -- now you need one in the ready to launch position as well!

  2. Lovely, Challenger modern rules had that option if I remember correctly, we set a 3 d20s needing 20 on each dice to allow a firing. Someone did it and we spent the rest of the day arguing if the other side got an automatic response 😁

  3. Nice work Tim. A green missile would be more historical but that wouldn’t do...

  4. Awesome work. Now I'm trying to imagine the size of gaming table you would need where those would be useful.

  5. SimonG
    As I recall a tac nuke would have been a game-ender in these battalion-level games.

  6. Yarkshire Gamer
    I can assure you that my Scuds are fitted with conventional HE warheads. But I would say that, wouldn’t I?

  7. Peter Douglas
    If you want accuracy this is the wrong post!

  8. StuartL
    My NBC games are played on Hexon where 10cm=1km so the model Scud could be up to 70 metres away!

  9. Great looking tiny huge truck with indeterminate missile!
    Best Iain

  10. Excellent work Tim. A wonderful vehicle for a deep-strike scenario where NATO forces try to take it out before it deploys for launch.
