Friday, May 15, 2020

JTinQT - Week Seven - Landsknechts

Dear All

Hope everyone is well?

Happy to make more substantive post this week with 12 new figures. After doing some Swiss thought only fair to have a look at my Landsknechts. Using the same mainly Old Glory 28mm painted this front base of pike up as the "Black Band" who fought for the French at Marignano and Pavia. At Pavia they were fighting against the Imperial Landsknechts. As the name suggests the key point is mainly black clothing.

There are a couple of Games Workshop double-handers mixed in, an Artisan I think,and see if you can name the company for the fifer?

The fifer is a figure from the 1980's - QTModels I think, based in Yorkshire. Anyway a key feature was you could mix and match heads - very cutting edge for the 1980's. These figures are based for Basic Impetus wargames rules and need to get on now and finish the back rank base.

Cheers Jez


  1. Always love to see some renaissance figures and these are very nice. Also great to see a QT figure in the mix. I never had any but I played against them in friends armies.

  2. Great work Jez. The figures mix nicely.

  3. Landsknechts...the Samurai of Europe...such a problem to paint, but they look so cool when finished. Well done!

  4. Great looking landsknechts and nice mix of figures!
    Best Iain

  5. Nice work Jez! Landsknechts are always big eye-catchers!

  6. Awesome work Jez. I particularly like that QTModel fifer - nothing like old skool stuff to give the unit a bit more seasoned credibility. ;)

  7. Great company, the GW Empire figures fit in nicely!

  8. Thanks for all the comments ... thinking about the back rank base now.
