Thursday, May 21, 2020

Iain W 28mm 16 Dux Bellorum skirmishers (80 points)

Here are 16 slingers for my Irish army for Dux Bellorum.  Four units of four, I need to come up with a sabot base for them that is 120mm wide but I think that might get delayed, anyway they're done now,six unknown metal figures from the big dark age Ebay splurge (all used up by Dux Bellorum bar one!) and ten plastic Hat  figures which are nominaly 28mm but are very slight and the detail is pretty soft,however I'm happy enough using them here and have some more that will be skirmishers in some other Dux Bellorum armies while some might be press ganged into a shieldwall!They do have the benefit of being really cheap, which I like!

Not much to say, various earth colours and they won't last long on the table in this game system, skirmishers in Dux Bellorum are particularly weak which some have called into question, Dan Mersey does say that this is deliberate as in this particular period and area skirmishers were the weak, young and old, so he didn't want them to be used as a skirmish screen, just hang around the edge and kick the enemy when it was down, survival being a  really good achievement!
80 points brings me up to 660 which I'm pretty happy with!
All the best Iain


  1. A useful cloud of disposable skirmishers

  2. A nice use of the HaT line for this project. The fact that they are a bit small probably works to your benefit with this troop type.

    1. Thanks Curt! Yes I thought of the HaT figures as the youths and the metal ones as the older chaps!
      Best Iain

  3. Nice work. They should be handy for harassing your opponent's troops.

    1. Thanks Stuart! Lurking around the back I think!
      Best Iain

  4. Nice job on these stone chuckers 👍

  5. Great not-so-colourful bunch, as is fitting! The various makes seem to go together well enough.

    1. Thanks Martijn! Well enough is certainly good enough for this troop type!
      Best Iain
