Well more Epic this week, I feel like I'm getting predictable!
So yes, reinforcements for my Emperor's Children. The army is starting to look quite good, but I have quite a few more pieces I want to paint before taking the mandatory army shot. It's obviously missing titans and knights, at the very least. Maybe by the end of this challenge? Or maybe for the next Analogue challenge? We'll see.
Anyways, for today we have two more units ready for battle. One of the great things about Epic is I can pretty much paint a unit per week, and often another one during the week-end. Now i'm sure some of you paint a 28mm unit in a week but for a (agonizingly) slow painter such as myself it's immensely gratifying seeing your army grow, and fast!
First we have a quatuor of Whirlwinds tanks. The Whirlwind is an Imperial artillery support vehicle based upon the Rhino armoured personnel carrier chassis.
It plays the role of artillery support, providing support fire on enemy formations from the relative safety of geographical cover, such as behind hills, forests or other line-of-sight obstructions. It is intended to be used primarily for softening up a heavily-fortified static position or other well-defended target prior to the start of a major Space Marine assault.
I was missing artillery, especially compared to John's force (my main opponent, playing the Blood Angels) but between last week's vindicators and these, I'm starting to feel better about my legion's long range destroying capacities!
Painting them was a bit boring, as its basically a Rhino, not the most fun tank outhere, with loads of missile.
So I cleanse my palate this week-end with a lovely trio of Leviathan Dreadnoughts.
Created in limited numbers in the latter days of the Great Crusade of the late 30th Millennium, the Leviathan Dreadnought is a massive engine of war, incorporating hybridised technologies, some dating back into the dim past of humanity. Towering over later Imperial combat walker patterns, this heavily armoured Dreadnought is savagely powerful.
It was designed for siege warfare and primarily armed with close combat and support weaponry that can rend buildings, vehicles and flesh alike.
Dreadnoughts are my favourite Epic figures to paint, and these were even more fun! They look the part for sure! I'll probably have to find and paint more dreadnoughts than needed for both my EC and Ultramarines, just because I enjoy painting them so much. It will also give me more variety to choose from when building a force.
And we finish today with something far removed from the 31st millennium, a regiment of Napoleonic Hungarians! I've been having so much fun painting Epic than I decided work on a Napoleonic project in 6mm, using Adler miniatures. Now, I was told they are really a pain to base so before jumping in I wanted to do a test base. My good friend Roger Murrow, owner of Murawski Miniatures, surprised me for Christmas with a painted battalion of the little guys. I just had to base them. So I did. Bit of a learning curve for the first battalions but already by the second I was getting the hang of it.
I'm waiting for the flags to call it done but I'm very excited about them so here's some pics of my very first 6mm base. Call it a sneak peek. I'll talk more about the project in upcoming weeks, and even show off some painting of my own if I manage to get away from Epic!
Until next time, wishing you all a lovely quarantine time!