Sunday, April 19, 2020

From DaveD - Cars and Hedges -35 pts

I have completed another couple of cars for an inaugural Gaslands game- sometime post lockdowns I guess.

Plus I have made up another 12 feet worth of hedging to add to the terrain box — you always need more seems to be driver here. That takes me to 60 feet so far .

So that takes me to 250 pts.

I am back at the coal face of work tomorrow so not sure what else I might get done over the next few weeks .


  1. Great looking battle-coupes Dave and the hedging looks wonderfully springlike to my eyes.

  2. Nice cars and you can never have too many hedges!

  3. Great looking cars and those hedges don't look too shabby either!

  4. Nice pair of motors and the hedging looks great too!
    Best Iain

  5. Those cars are really impressive. Well done.

  6. Nice work Dave. Those hedges could have a lot of uses.

  7. I'm glad it's spring somewhere.
    And those cars look ace! Gaslands is a ton of fun, enjoy!

  8. There’s something odd about those cars in a lush meadow... nice work!
