Thursday, April 30, 2020

From RossM; 20mm DAK Support Weapons: (28 points)

Next finished pieces to show are additional support weapons for the D.A.K. started in the AHPC X.

The next two support stands for the D.A.K. from SHQ Miniatures include an 8cm Grw 34 mortar and crew plus a second MG34 because you can never have enough suppressive fire...

These were started during the AHPC X however where not completed in time to be shown there.

To follow these will be another infantry section and some more support for the poor bloody infantry.

These would be worth 28 points in the AHPC X

Running total is 88 of 500 points; 17.6% of the way there. 

Thanks for visiting and hope you found something of interest.

Stay safe

Cheers for now.

KenR - More Uniformed Police

A few days ago I posted up the first set of figures for my Cops and Robbers casts for the 7tv game, here is the next group, the remainder of my uniformed officers.

I think I must have double order some stuff in the past as I have ended up with two Sgts, 2 marksmen and 2 WPCs (as they were known then). So the Sgt above has been done with a white shirt to differentiate between the two.

The above photo shows the second Police marksman a female officer and another Traffic Constable.

This Sgt looks so much more friendly than the one in the blue shirt. A total of 7 figures in this mini batch for another 35 points, slow and steady and up to 769 points.

Next up will be the cast of Life on Mars.