Saturday, May 16, 2020

From ClarenceH: Cameron Highlanders

Done and Dusted!

Second Platoon is led by Lieutenant Ponsonby Worthing and Sergeant McGruffing, turned out for inspection under the critical eye of Captain 'Fighting George' Rippington and Sergeant Major Archer.

I'm excited to get the company finished as it gives me the core for a British force I can actually use for small games and marks the end of painting tartans for a while. I'd really like to paint up the full battalion (four platoons in TSATF) present at Kosha, but I'll save that for the future. I really want to get stuck in with the Mahdists (there are around 100 lined up on the table for the next few weeks) and add some variety to my Imperials.

I'm really enjoying this project. More soon!


  1. Splendid looking Highlanders! They look ace and always a great feeling to have a playable force!
    Best Iain

  2. They look magnificent, well done!

  3. Really beautiful work Clarence. Isn't wonderful when you get a project to a point where you can actually play with it?

    1. Absolutely.. now I just need 100 Mahdists!

  4. Stirring sight! I can image you have seen enough tartans for a while. You're a much braver man than me!
