Monday, June 7, 2021

Christopher Sliter: Mexican Regular Infantry


A return back to my Texas War Of Independence project I briefly started last year I think. I'll be building this for Sharp Practice 2 which I think is the perfect ruleset for this period which is small engagements fighting in a semi skirmish manner.

Since Mexicans are likely to be the more numerous of the two forces I thought I would start fresh with them so I could figure out a plan of action and just get the ball rolling.

For the uniform I went with the winter colors of blue top and white pants instead of the all white summer uniform for the regulars although in the future I may use the summer to denote militia or something different from the regulars.

I painted the cross belts in a slightly brighter shade of white to the pants so they don't blend in. Other then a couple Russian officers this is the only thing I've come close to painting in a Napoleonic type of uniform and it does add a bit more work and the pom pom was a challenge getting the Mexican colors in there. 

The figures are from Boot Hill and they really do have a ton of cartoony character that just makes you smile while you paint them and I have to say they are a real joy to paint!


The paints I used were mostly foundry a dash of Vallejo and P3 thrown in the mix. I kept the colors nice and bright to further play up the style of sculpts and the basing I also went for a brighter semi desert ground. The figures are multi based from I believe warbases.

Troops need some leaders so painted up an officer and his sergeant to keep the men focused and moving. I also created some sabots for them so they would stand taller next to the unit and of course helps pick them out as leaders. It also allows me to take them off the sabots and place them in the unit if I don't want to move them separately.

Lots of pictures in this one, but I wanted to show the unit in both line and grouped together in a compact formation. I will be returning to the Texan War, but before that I'll be in the dark woods of Northern America and Canada for more gun smoke adventures.

Thanks for viewing!

Miniature Company. Boot Hill Miniatures

From SanderS: First Jab in and Curtgeld! (10points)



Yup it happened, I have received that first jab everyone is talking about. It came sooner then expected and the second one is planned already. This means that I now have to drop out of this Challenge and I thought it fitting to paint up a figure I would be able to sent to the Far North as a tribute to our great leader: his Curtship himself. 

That means it needs to be a yello-purple coloured Landsknecht figure and I had a good look around. While I have found several sets of figures that would suit the bill, I think for now this figure will suffice. Last Challenge wasn't complete without my partner in Landsknecht-crime the esteemed Lord Michael of Awdry Towers, so I decided that I would paint him one of the self same figures as well. Now the figure might be a bit cheeky, saucy or even racy and so I texted a photo of one of them to Michael to ask him whether Curt would take offense at being given a lady dressed like this... his opinion was that Curt could probably appreciate the sentiment. "Good" I said "because guess who's getting one too?" Well gentelemen I hope you like them because they will soon be travelling the waves towards Awdry Towers and the Blue Ice Caves in Canada.

They are figures from the Beltfed range from Colonel Bill and they are reasonably well sculpted.The bases I made myself with grey-stuff and texture rollers from Greenstuff world, inspired by Sidney of course.

I would like to thank all of you for all your support and comments and Curt for letting us post them here on his blog. I will be hanging around till this Challenge ends or the next Big one starts again ;-)

Cheers everyone and stay safe!