Thursday, April 9, 2020

From TamsinP: 28mm WotR Knights & Men At Arms

Some of you may have been wondering where I've been and why I haven't posted anything yet. Well, you can rest assured that I am alive and have been painting. It's simply that I have been working on a large project and haven't had anything ready until today. Now that I'm in the swing of things, you can expect a fairly regular turnover of painted figures from me.

For this post, I am presenting the first few bases of a 28mm Wars of the Roses army for Art de la Guerre. I decided to start with the foot knights and men at arms, just to get the bulk of the plate armour out of the way.

First up, the Royal Bodyguard knights; you can have one base of these (either mounted or dismounted) in ADLG:

You can also have two bases of mounted or dismounted "Men at Arms":

And up to six bases of "Knights and Retinue Billmen", who can be foot knights or billmen. So far I have painted six bases of foot knights, but there will be some bases of billmen later on.

This little lot took just under a week to paint, and then the basing took a couple of hours a day for a couple of days (during which I have been painting the next set of figures).

I haven't added tufts or flowers to the bases yet. I'm not sure that I will for the bulk of the troops, maybe for command stands.


  1. Lovely armour great looking Perry plastic (?) Knights!
    Best Iain

  2. That's a lot of awesome heavy metal in one place 🤘😁

  3. Great stuff, no way have I the patience to base my figures that close to one another! I’ll also assume they’re plastic as if they were metal I’m it sure how easy it would be to lift them ����‍♀️��

    1. Ps seems emojis don’t amp ways get handled well across platforms :-)

  4. Very impressive work Ms P. Well done!

  5. A fantastic start on your new project. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your army over the course of the challenge.

  6. @ Will - thanks! :)

    @ Iain - cheers! Yes, plastics. :)

    @ Ken - it is indeed! Thanks! :)

    @ Simon G - cheers! It didn't require much patience to base them close together - I should do a step-by-step guide for how I did it. :)

    @ Curt - thanks! :)

    @ Stuart - cheers! :)

  7. Lovely load of tin clad gentlemen.

  8. Looking good Tamsin. Looking forward to the billmen!

  9. Great figures, Tamsin, especially in the mass like that. Are you going Yorkist or Lancs or what?

  10. Nice mass effect and basing. Will look impressive on any table.

  11. @ Peter - thanks! :)

    @ Millsy - cheers! :)

    @ Noel - thanks! They could be for either. :)

    @ Mike - cheers! :)

  12. Well that's a true mince-meat grinder you have painted Tamsin! That's an awesome colour for the armour as well, brilliant stuff.

  13. @ Christopher - thanks! :)

    @ Ray - cheers! :)

    @ Sander - thanks! Lots of tin cans wielding tin-can openers! :)

  14. Excellent work Tamsin! Your armour looks the bees knees.

  15. @ Benito - thanks! :)

    @ Nick - cheers! The armour looks good en masse, but if you looked close-up on individual figures you'd see how scrappy it is! :)

  16. Great job Tamsin, sure looks like a menacing group...

  17. Very impressive! I wondered if they were 15mm when I saw that first shot....
