Sunday, May 10, 2020

From MartijnN: A Small Squadron

I don't know what is with this quarantine situation, but time seems to be slipping through my hands without me accomplishing as much as I'd like to in the way of painting. Still, gradually small steps are being taken to return to some form of normality, which is  a relief. The thing I find most challenging about the situation is the fact that one is never alone. Having two young children in the house all the time can be quite challenging by itself!

Anyway, I noticed this thing going on throughout the various challenges about camels. While rummaging through my lead pile I came across these 15mm ships of the desert, produced by Chariot Miniatures. So without further ado I present a small squadron:

Simple paintjob using mostly Citadel's Contrast paints.

Thanks for looking and stay safe, even when the reins are being loosened!


  1. Sometimes I think I've accidentally stumbled into an International Amateur Fine Scale Camel Painting Competition 😂

  2. Wonderful camels Martijn (while those Contrast paints can be fiddly, they certainly can give some nice quick effects). Similar to you, I've been sort of drifting along lately. Granted, a lot of that is enjoying the spring weather here in Canada, but I don't think I'll have anything ready to show anytime soon. Now, back to the patio with my drink...

  3. Camels are certainly our totem.
