Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Iain W 28mm Ancient citadel legionarys and a Newline legionary unit (120 points)

Here we have a unit of (mostly)Citadel Roman Legionarys bought at Games Day 1980 (a games day organised by Games Workshop but mostly other peoples games!) and painted in enamels that year.  The start of an army that never happened as I lacked opponents and couldn't work out WRG ancients on my own!
I've added a little lighter skin tone to some of them but otherwise they are as finished last century, the same is true of the three minifigs that make up their numbers in this unit,I have had to paint their shields, that's about it.
They've been based on 120mm wide mdf bases for  TtS!
Next up is a unit of Newline legionarys that came primed in white. I've gone for undyed tunics and I've invented a shield design that is close enough and good enough!

This gives me 120 points to add to my running total which brings me up to 465 and 60 points towards the Infamy Infamy side challenge (finally!)
All the best Iain 


  1. Nice work on these veteran legionaries Iain. I can remember seeing this figs advertised in Mil Mod back in the day.

    1. Thanks Peter! Long ago and far away!
      Best Iain

  2. Wow, these are amazing! I had no idea GW did historicals back then.

    Excellent work on getting these finished and ready to go, 40 years is a decent amount of time for miniatures to mature on the shelf.....

    1. Thanks Jamie! Yes citadel historicals then became Foundry, you can still find figures credited as citadel in the Foundry back catalogue!
      Best Iain

  3. Romans - I love Romans! Great work!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Ken! A spruce up and a new paint job!
      Best Iain

  5. Great Romans. The old minis stand up well alongside the newer ones.

    1. Thanks Stuart! Yes I'm happy to field them next to the newer figures, it's why I held on to them till the Newline chaps were finished, so you could see them side by side!
      Best Iain

  6. Nice units Iain. Citadel were tops back then!

  7. A great resurrection! They still look the part, don't they? Well done.

    1. Thanks Martjin! Yes, still work I think!
      Best Iain

  8. Awesome job on these Romans Iain! For some strange reason (but I blame DaveD) my mind read "Roman Dromedary Riders" in your post's title... Perhaps something for the future? :-P

    1. Thanks Sander! I remember Nick's fabulous one from challenge IX? Who knows maybe? Never say never!
      Best Iain
