Monday, May 4, 2020

From JamesM: 10mm Fantasy Camels

Forgive me oh great blue mountain top dweller, for I have sinned.

It has been 6 weeks since I last lifted a hairy stick, and I have taken a place in this challenge and contributed nothing.

I offer up, in penance, some teeny weeny camels.

These are 10mm Pendraken Mhadists, bought for a AHPC Challenge Island entry and sadly left unloved. I have painted them as part of my 'For Joshua' 10mm fantasy project. These chaps will be joining my human knight force. One base armed with sword and shield, while another with lance/spear.

A minor honouring of Dave D and Martin C (Dave because they are camels, Martin because of the smell).

The plan for the project is still that it tour some of the UK shows and be used to generate money for the charities which supported us following the loss of our son Joshua. However, the world going mental in the last few months have forced me to rethink the schedule on all of that for a bit!

Shall I repeat my sin, now I am back on the wagon?

I have reviewed my workspace and cleared the clutter to a few bits I want to get done, thus removing some of the forbidding weight of the lead mountain which was crushing my will to continue. I have even ordered some new hairy sticks. Further production is (almost) guaranteed.

I have not been totally idle, instead turning my hobby time to prep. As such, I have the below models almost ready to go...

Some may even be done before July.


  1. Great brushwork! Very nice.

  2. Great looking camels, glad I'm out of smell range. What were they original sold as - colonial sudanese?

    1. Hi Peter - they are 'Mahdist camelry, sword/spear' from here:

      I figured as they had no modern weaponry they would work for a fantasy unit.

  3. Those camels look terrific, James. Pendraken's stuff is so much fun to work on.

    Welcome to the spring madness.

    1. They are nice models Curt - I was looking at the Vietnam range recently as well. However, I am going to stick to my regular guns and try not to get into too many side projects!

  4. Nice camels .. I should know!

  5. Great looking fantasy camels, if you can have dragons why not camels?!
    Best Iain

  6. Of course you can have fantasy camels! It's your fantasy. Err.. Anyhow they look great and the colourscheme is very effective too!

  7. Very nice indeed, I’m sure they’ll be a nice counterpoint to the horse cavalry (and probably more bad tempered!)

  8. What is it with Challenge Painting and Camels 😂 lovely work mate 👍

  9. Ah, great to see some-one give us our much needed camel-fix, thanks heaps for these charming figures mate!

  10. Looking good and keep it going!

