Monday, May 4, 2020

From GregB: Reaver Battle Titan & Weapon Assortment

Reaver titan model, together with weapon assortment - plastic model (with some resin weapons) from GW/Forge World.
Another week, another "hobby task" from the world of GW's Adeptus Titanicus. This is a Reaver class battle titan painted in the colours of Legio Mortis, along with a full assortment of weapons. The titan model itself and nearly all of the weapons are multi-part plastic kits from GW - a couple of the weapon choices for the carapace points are resin bits from Forge World.

A "classic" loadout - lasers on the left, gatling cannon on the right, and a big "Apocalypse" missile launcher up top.
The Reaver is a "medium" class (!) battle titan - "medium" insofar as it is bigger and slower than the "scout" class Warhound titans, but still smaller and faster than the massive Warlord class titans. The Reaver is a frontline battle titan, with scary heavy weapons that can level entire city blocks in one blast, and commonly found among all of the Titan Legions in the Adeptus Titanicus game. Good times!

Laser blaster option for the carapace.
Another carapace option - Vulcan Mega Bolter.
Perhaps the whackiest carapace option - the "Warp Missile Rack".
GW's plastic models for the revamped "Adeptus Titanicus" game are just wonderful, beautiful kits. But not all of them were designed with small magnets in mind - some were - but the Reavers were not, or at least not completely. I don't think there was any sinister motive there...the Reaver's design has a rounded joint in the "shoulder" and in the mounts for the arm weapons themselves. The folks who created the plastic model kits for the Reavers were true to this design - the carapace weapon mount has a feature that easily fits a small magnet, but the arm weapons do not. So you cannot magnetize the weapons mounts for the arms and swap out the weapons - not without a bit of hobby engineering.

A particularly "angry" configuration? Two close combat weapons? Not sure this would work out in the game, but I know there are members of the group who would want to try :)
I chickened out at the prospect of magnetizing the first Reaver titans that I built for my collection. My Legio Mortis Reavers had all of the weapons, even the carapace mounts, glued down. The Reavers for my Legio Gryphonicus collection have the arm weapons glued down, although I did magnetize the weapon mounts on the carapace - some choice, but not much.

The "Volcano Cannon" on the right arm - good times!
The "Melta Cannon".
But my friends have inspired me to try to build a Reaver with all weapon points magnetized. To build up my courage, I practised first on some Warhounds. That worked for me - yay! I then opened up a new Reaver model, got out the magnets worked! Here we are, a new God-engine for the rebel forces hoping to topple the unjust tyranny of the so-called "Emperor".

"Let's go for a walk!"

Growing collection of spare weapons for the different titans...
I am pretty pumped to have a Reaver model that can mount a whole variety of weapons. And it can share arm weapons with the Nemesis Warbringer Titan I painted earlier this spring, so the variety works all around.
Updated "family photo" for my Legio Mortis detachment....
You can see from the photos throughout this post there is a fine assortment of terrifying weapons for any Princeps to choose from, including the bonkers "close combat" weapons, which are hilarious and great fun. You might be ten stories tall...but there are STILL some things that MUST be punched...or sawed! That is one aspect of the crazy 30k/40k setting that I never get tired of...

Thanks for reading - have a great day everyone!



  1. Fine looking rompin' stompin' killer robot Greg, love the purple. I do love the idea of close combat with hese behemoths. I actually KO'd one of Sylvain's titans via head butting (ok, shooting it up and then running into it and knocking it over due to weapons restrictions).

  2. Wonderful work Greg. You're hitting it out of the park with all these titans and knights.

  3. Another fabulous looking titan, complete with model engineering!
    Best Iain

  4. Great Reaver, and well done for going the extra mile and magnetizing it.

  5. Looking lovely - you really do have a fair few of these now..... dare I ask how many your mechanicus forgeworld has waiting in the queue?

    1. Haha, thanks Jamie. How many more Titans? Well, "more than I need, less than I would like" :)

      I do try to keep my collection roughly balanced between loyalists and rebels, just so I can host/run games with both sides covered off. I have been adding a fair bit of power to the rebel cause through this spring (five knights and three titans for Horus vs. one more Warhound for the loyalists), so watch for more loyalist engines to appear in the painting queue - either in this Quarantine Challenge, or in the next edition of the Painting Challenge!

  6. That's ace, love the idea of exchanging weapons, cool 👍

  7. This is so depressing... :-). What a wonderful paintjob again, and the magnetizing exercise is very clever. Your collection is looking so great already!

  8. I have just finished listening to the "Siege of Vraks" podcasts on Youtube and a big part of that war was a battle between a Loyalist and Heretic Titan legion, everytime they mentioned the God Machines walking the lands, I saw your beasties in my minds-eye Greg: AWESOMENESS!

  9. Well done and very colorful Greg!

