Wednesday, April 8, 2020

AdamC: Back to Black Seas

First up is a shipyard I've been working on for a port to use in games of Black Seas.   The project was for a game at Huzzah Con this May.
 Unfortunatly the Convention has been canceled for this year so work will slow as I come up with way to make the best looking port I can.  I thried to put as much shipbuilding stuff as I could in the docyard: Left over Anchors from my kits, wooden blanks, mast and even smoe canvas.  All this stuff probably wouldn't be just sitting here but helps make clear that ship building is going on.
The ships are 1/1000 scale ships form GHQ they  had wire masts that I tried to manage years ago and failed utterly but they work well here as ships under construction. 
 Next up is a sctrach build of my owe devising whith a Black Seas brig for scale.  Its a costal and river vessel called a Gudalow. They were quite popular in Maine, New Hampsire and Massachusets.
You can take a ride in Gundalow in Portsmouth New Hampshire
 Gundalows were sometimes pressed into service as gunboats most famously at the Battle of Valcour Island  during the American revolution.
As you can see this Gundalow is doing duty as gunboat in a harbor defence roll I'll have to come up with stats.  Gudalows are fairly large but shallow draft great for carring cargos but not very stable.  The Philadelphia  was sunk by a single hit for example (but maybe the Brititish rolled a criticle)

From LeeH - A couple of Frostgrave Thugs

Wow. What a couple of weeks. I'm still working and if anything its got busier than ever for me. I work for a small charity and while many of my colleagues have been furloughed, somehow I have ended up being the last one still working. Its partly because I'm admin, which means while our frontline work has ground to a halt I still have case files to close and follow up calls to make. Its also partly because I have my fingers in lots of pies. I work on four projects all affected in a different way by the lockdown. Oh, and I'm the H&S officer for my organisation so you can imagine I have been a little busier than normal just recently! Add in the same IT woes that most other home worker is struggling with and, yes, it has been a bit hectic over the last 20 days or so! 

Anyway, here's my modest opening entry to the Quarantine Challenge. A couple of roguish thugs for Frostgrave. 

Hope you like them. I'll be doing more frostgrave figure next and then I may have a go at some of my more traditional 6mm. 

Stay safe everyone! 

From MikeV: HYW mounted MAA in 28mm

Hi all. Apologies for being super late in my first post. I had a project going from before the challenge opened - a 1:32 scale Curtiss P40E - which I ended up placing to one side as it was taking too much of my time and was not really coming up to scratch. Anyway, I took up a 28mm Front Rank Hundred Years War mounted Man at Arms and decided to present him as my first project. This MAA is from the early HYW period as he is carrying a shield which I added from my spare odds and ends.

Stay healthy and safe.

from RayR - 25mm 3rd Chasseur a Cheval

I thought it was about time I posted some figures in the all new Quarantine Challenge!
Like the majority of you guys I'm off work at the moment on Furlough, there isn't a lot 
of call for beer at the moment, don't know if you've noticed???
I'm on the start of week three and have been working on these luvvly looking chaps, the 3rd Chasseurs a Chaval.

The keen eyed among you will notice that they're not based???
That's because I've painted them up for a fellow blooger Dave Crook. here's a link to Dave's blog,
Dave is in the middle of a Napoleonic adventure, he's collecting the range of figures produced
by Del Prado a few years ago for the Battle of Waterloo. There are a few units missing from the collection one being the 3rd Chasseurs a Cheval. 
Gotta admit these figures nearly killed me, they're old Minifigs and don't have a lot of detail on
them, and what's there you really have to dig out, but I persevered and got them completed.
Hopefully they'll be off in the post to Dave soon, so he can do the biz with them. He's going all old school on them, basing them on plain green bases and slopping 10 ton of gloss varnish all over them.
Just for my own personal tally, I'm giving myself points as we do in the AHPC. So these bad boys are worth 200 points, but they're not based so I'll knock off 10% giving me a grand total of 

MilesR: My First Quarantine Project: Gaming Stool 157,482.31 Quatloos

My wargaming club, Army Group York has a wonderful clubhouse but there is one tragic flaw - wobbely stools.  Now, I'm not talking the lightly creeking a bit or a slight sway.  No, these terror inducers put the seator on a roller coaster ride of gyrations and gravity defying movement.  Something had to be done, and I'm just the pompous ass who thinks he should do it.

So here is the first test stool.  Now that I've refined the build process (in other words screwed up a lot), I will set about building 5 more for the club.

The seat is 14 inches square with round corners and edging (for comfort) and stands 30 inches tall.

 The seat panel was made by glueing up three 1" think planks and then flattening is with a hand plane.
I'm using lap joinery to ensure the framework is stable and will not wear free into the dreaded wobble sate.
Glueing up the top.  One can never have enough clamps.
 Finally attaching the seat.

Obligatory selfie made while sanding the thing.  There was a lot of sanding.
 I'm told by the various marketing people in companies that I invest in that nothing sells better than sex appeal.  With my lovely yet fierce wife treating COVID-19 patients and the quarantine, all we left with is me as a super model - so here I am in all my alluring glory - grrrrrr

After reviewing the rules of the quarantine challenge, I award myself 157,482.31 Quatloos.

From PhilH: Another Mutant, X-Men Jubilee

Curt’s Peak Boon set me off on finishing more Marvel X-Men, this time a lesser character of Jubilee. Introduced to the team in the 1990s, she’s introduced as a ‘mall rat’ with the ability to generate blinding pyrotechnic energy from her hands (hence the pose). Jubilee had big arcs in the 1990s cartoon, but only cameo parts in the X-Men films.

 I made a bit of a hash of her face, sadly. Her yellow coat came out nicely though.

I also reworked the yellow on the Prof, which was rushed to submit before Challenge X closed.

Next up more SCW armour, then onto the bulk of my quarantine project: Star Wars Legion Stormtroopers. Yay, endless white!

From TomM: Frostgrave Illusionist

With the Frostgrave rules being free to download from the Osprey website a while ago, I decided to (finally) really take the plunge and make good work of the band I wanted to print for this game.

It also contained the solo rules, so I might actually play one or two of the scenario,s (after printing up the foes as well) and try to convince Noshi of the game on top.

Of course, this means my band needs a leader, and that is a wizard of a specified school.  Harking back to my DnD games of years ago, I went for the illusionist school of magic, as I always thought them the most dashing and reminded me of my preferred Blue magic decks back then in Magic: The Gathering.

The model is one from the awesome Michael Zavala sculpts, all free on Shapeways to download, as will be most of the collection I`m creating for this.  Not a shabby figure if you ask me for about 5 eurocents in materials...

I also printed out a Dagger Tree found on Thigverse, and, inspired by A Song of Ice and Fire's wyrdwood trees, painted it a reddish hued white.

Now just to consider wether I`ll be making Dungeon Tiles as well for this game...