Wednesday, April 8, 2020

MilesR: My First Quarantine Project: Gaming Stool 157,482.31 Quatloos

My wargaming club, Army Group York has a wonderful clubhouse but there is one tragic flaw - wobbely stools.  Now, I'm not talking the lightly creeking a bit or a slight sway.  No, these terror inducers put the seator on a roller coaster ride of gyrations and gravity defying movement.  Something had to be done, and I'm just the pompous ass who thinks he should do it.

So here is the first test stool.  Now that I've refined the build process (in other words screwed up a lot), I will set about building 5 more for the club.

The seat is 14 inches square with round corners and edging (for comfort) and stands 30 inches tall.

 The seat panel was made by glueing up three 1" think planks and then flattening is with a hand plane.
I'm using lap joinery to ensure the framework is stable and will not wear free into the dreaded wobble sate.
Glueing up the top.  One can never have enough clamps.
 Finally attaching the seat.

Obligatory selfie made while sanding the thing.  There was a lot of sanding.
 I'm told by the various marketing people in companies that I invest in that nothing sells better than sex appeal.  With my lovely yet fierce wife treating COVID-19 patients and the quarantine, all we left with is me as a super model - so here I am in all my alluring glory - grrrrrr

After reviewing the rules of the quarantine challenge, I award myself 157,482.31 Quatloos.


  1. That's far too few points Miles!

  2. Lovely, great cramp collection!
    Best Iain

  3. Most unusual posting, Miles, but meticulous as usual. I'm always in awe of capable carpenters - when I placed a marble on the first shelves I made, it could potentially roll in any of three different directions.

    1. three directions - now that takes some effort!

  4. I will forego the bad stool jokes and simply say that is a job well done, Miles. It looks as good as one of those $20 jobbies from IKEA. ;)

    1. Harumph! That's like saying a Bentley is just like a kia. Ok so there both vehicles with four wheels and transport people but remember one costs wayyy more than the other so - oh crap......

      Just wait for the Apocalypse when the Ikeas are just dark caverns of consumerism despair - yeah then I'll be the King of Stool. Wait that didn't come out right

    2. I want to know what he's going to do about stats with no points to mull over apart from his quatloos. Maybe he'll make the stats up. We all know 87% of stats are made up anyway.

    3. You’ll always be the King of Stool Miles

  5. Excellent 1:1 scale model, very realistic indeed!

  6. Awesome woodwork, I hope your club appreciate all of your hard work.

  7. Nice looking stool Miles. Looks sturdy enough to bash over Curt’s head after his IKEA crack.

  8. Oh dear, you should have included NSFW in the title for sure! No seriously: great work on the stool. I am suspecting you to have included secret compartments with loaded dice for only you to find while gaming but that's part of the fun I am sure!

  9. Very impressive; I end up brought back down to earth when I try my hand at woodworking.
