Two posts in the same week, this is a better result for me than I've managed so far in this challenge. Today I have another 3D printed mini to show off. A friend of mine printed this up for me after I found the file online. It's a Dark Angels, Ravenwing attack bike for the Horus Heresy/Warhammer 30,000.
Currently neither Games Workshop, nor Forge World offer a suitable 30K miniature of their own, but the rules for it have been around for years. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the hobby community took it upon themselves to design their own model and release the designs for free. As far as kits go, it looks great, but there are some parts that don't fit together perfectly (the gunner and the handles of the weapon for example). Still, it does the job very nicely
I've been playing about recently with adding extra weathering to my minis, paint chips along with dust and grime. In my imagination, battlefields of the grim dark future are probably pretty dirty places. I'm still getting the hang of the weathering powders, so I may have gone a bit overboard with them. A lot of it will probably rub off over time though, so I am not too worried.
This marks the first mini for a Dark Angels Legion army (my 5th Heresy era force, though I haven't really finished any of them yet). I have a squad of infantry on the way, which I hope to get finished off over the weekend.