"I'm not sure if this is better or worse than the barrel with teeth!"
"This island is a nightmare, these dunes were quite nice last time we were here..."
Something from my Unfinished list. I guess I'm no ready for the Age of Sigmar campaign we had last summer, all the needed models are now painted. Better late than never, and I'm planning to use the same army on the next campaign as well. Curt was hoping something from my Fresh-list, but they need to wait the for the next post.

This is a War Hydra, originally by Dark Elves on the Old World, now part of the Anvilgard army fighting in the Mortal Realm of Aqshy. You can see the lava effect, done by Martian Ironearth put on red and yellow painted base. This was originally assembled by a friend of mine for WHFB and it was on square base and had some bits and pieces and bits of sprues on the base to support the beast. I removed the square base, glued it on a oval base and put some filler over the sprue bits to cover them. After covering that with paint and texture, it looks quite bubbling lava, not steady and dried. It doesn't show properly on the photos, though... (a little bit on the first one) I added the wound dice holders to the big base as well, by Warbases.

They have black and red uniforms, I added some yellow here and there and followed the same palette on the captured hydra as well. It mostly done on traditional painting, but I gave the Hydra itself a coat of Blood Angels Red over Red basecoat to create shading. I gave it minimal drybrush on the necks and kept it shiny, slimy on the other areas. Lots of drybrushing here, on the heads, teeth, claws, horns, scales and pretty much everything on the crew.
With this one finished, I have managed to keep my New Year Resolution provided by White Dwarf, at least one warscroll painted in a month.
One of hobby tasks for has been reading. I finished this oldish book about Age of Sigmar last weekend. I borrowed it from a friend, now I can return it. Quite nice story about the early events of Age of Sigmar with some battleplans and (now old) warscrolls. But it is worth the 60 euros, no.
U: 1 (total 6)
N: 1 (total 4)
W: 0 (total 1)
F: 0 (total 12)
R: 0 (total 14)
S: 0 (total 2)
5 bonus points for finishing a miniature started before AHPCX
30 bonus points for Challenge Island Location
35 total (total 203)
From Minion TeemuL:
A nice addition to the wildlife (extinguishers) of Sander Sand Dunes!