Wednesday, April 29, 2020

From RossM 28mm Gondorian Swordsmen (60 points)

First post of the Analogue Hobbies Quarantine Challenge and here twelve of Gondor's finest.

The swordsmen were originally purchased not long after the release of the Return of the King film in 2003/4 so they have waited a long time to see the business end of a brush.

Also included are a Captain, Denethor Steward of Gondor, a Standard Bearer and a veteran swordsman just behind the standard. 

Throughout this challenge will be including a points total as I am looking to complete another 500 points worth of figures. This time, however, this will include previously started items as well as newly painted figures.

Have enjoyed painting these figures and there will be more of the same during this challenge along with a few other things from here and there.

Cheers for now


  1. Well done on getting these off your lead mountain.

  2. Lovely to see the figs painted and ready to go. The GW Lord of the Rings stuff is great 👍

  3. Thanks gents, your comments are appreciated. I have always wondered why WETA went with the plate armour for the men of Gondor as it is something not specifically mentioned in the books. Still the figures paint up well and the plastics here are a first for me: another cherry popped.

    Cheers, Ross

  4. Well done, with troops like those holding the line Sauron is doomed to fail.

  5. Thanks Stuart, however with me rolling the dice, Sauron will have an easy time of it.

    Cheers, Ross

  6. Welcome to the QC Ross! Love these guys - well done. I think Jackson/WETA chose to depict the Gondorians in plate armour in order to elevate them above the other human peoples, being as they were descendants of the kick-ass Numenorians.

  7. Super looking Gondorians! Lovely finish!
    Best Iain

  8. Ooooh Ross, great looking champions of Good! Hope they can stem Sauron's tide of Orcs

  9. Well done, Denethor looks great!
