Yes, I am alive and not vaccinated. I have also moved to a new home, unpacked most of the stuff and started a new job. I painted also the first mini at the new home and have only about 100 unread entries in the Challenge XI.
But you want to know about the mini. Unfortunately I don't have much to tell. I primed and glued to the base this fellow during Challenge IX, but he had a broken sword, so I didn't paint him back then. I glued a plastic sword blade (Numenor sword) on and painted him during the last few days. I have lost or misplaced my notes, so I don't know who he actually is, I believe him to be a Ral Partha or Prince August sculpt.
Earthly colors in general but some bright ones here and there to remind of his age.
Edit: He is a Prince August Half Orc Thief 2, CH29B.