Sunday, April 19, 2020

From SanderS: "The Beacons are lit, the Corona Beacons are lit!" (10points)


Remember me telling you guys I had bought a 3D printer? Well it's been running almost non-stop and is making some lovely terrain and vehicles, part of which you have been able to see in my last Star Wars Legion post. I have printed quite some fantasy buildings and Heroquest furniture.

A lot of the companies that produce STL files for us home-printers, have released free samples during this Corona lock-down and this one I really liked the idea of: it's a version of the beacons of Minas Tirith from the Lord of the Rings done by RM Printable Terrain. The idea is that the beacon shines a little ray (down Roussel they don't mean you!) of Hope into our hearts and homes. I didn't print the groundwork base because I want to use it with my terrain-mat or Venice terrain.

The roof is lift-off and has a nice peg and hole so you always know how to place the roof back on.

 I included some of my old GW LotR figures just for fun, oh boy I wish I hadn't because they really need re-basing and re-painting...

 As far as points go, since this is not a building with walls all round I am awarding myself 10 points.
I am printing more GI Joe vehicles and some Medieval Terrain right now as well as painting 28mm Napoleonics and even more SWL figures...


  1. Lovely buildings and no matter what you say,nice LOTR figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, well my wife seems to agree with you...

  2. Ooh, that's a lovely bit of terrain. Makes me want to watch the films again.

    1. ...and the torture rack is wonderfully nasty!

    2. Thanks Curt, I will do a post on all the HQ furniture upgrades if time permits.

  3. Really nice terrain - will make anyone without a printer jealous - well, me, at least!

    1. Again, I could easily print you up some stuff Noel!

  4. Very cool looking terrain, it should add some real character to your table.

  5. Really great terrain Sander. Good luck with surviving the 3D printer rabbit hole.

  6. Great work Sander! I can safely say I'll never tough a 3D printer myself, but it's so cool to see what you guys can come up with. Well done - on the printing and the brushwork!

    1. Once I have painted all my minis, I'll buy a 3D printer to get me more to paint? :D

    2. I can really reccomend it, if I can get it to work your guys surely can! And it's sooo cool to get some really nice stuff out of it.

  7. It is bigger than it looked at first! 3D printers are great.

  8. Great stuff! This makes me think that I really should be getting myself a 3d printer... Shouldn't I?
