Wednesday, April 22, 2020

From MikeV: Mediterranean BUA's in 6mm

I decided to give my poor eyes a rest this week and opted for two North Italy / Peninsular built up areas for my 6mm Napoleonics. Buildings are from Total Battle Miniatures and Timecast, both excellent but my preference goes to TBM. Trees are from some Chinese manufacturer on ebay, walls have been in my storage dump for ages and the piazza cross monument is scratch built from a couple of washers and stuff. I use Hexon terrain so the BUA's are mounted on hex bases for use with Age of Eagles.  No troop models are actually placed inside the BUA's, only counters to indicate the number of stands occupying them.  I pack the buildings close together to give the impression of those winding narrow streets and huddled buildings so common in the med.

Cheers and take care!

Village A

Town square closeup. Note bougainvillea creeping up church facade.

Village B

Joining both BUA's gives a small town

Both villages in the foreground with the rest of my Italian/Peninsular BUA's
Your typical alpine terrain. Hear the boys yodel?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot Greg. I believe terrain is one of the most important elements in a game so I try to go that extra mile to make an eye-pleasing table

  2. Lovely work Mike. I'm a big fan of TBM stuff as well (which reminds me that I have a bunch of Waterloo stuff to get done...). I like how the 'modules' come together to form larger villages/towns.

    1. Thanks a lot Curt. TBM make splendid buildings in 6mm and I strongly suspect they may be the best on the market. The buildings are crisp and clean and their architecture is very good.

  3. Great looking terrain -- so attractive it makes we want to build something up at this scale

    1. Thanks Simon. 6mm gaming is very rewarding, believe me. What you give up in individual models’ detail is amply made up for by the impressive number of figure that can be fielded in a short time. The masses of figures on a Napoleonic table especially can be quite spectacular!

  4. Beautiful looking town. The little touches like the flowers and the cross make for a very picturesque set of terrain.

    1. Thanks Stuart! I’ve only visited Spain once but am (erm, was) a frequent visitor to Italy. The piazzas there are replete with monuments and crosses so it seemed the logical thing to put in once the models afforded me some space.

  5. Those are cracking bits of terrain 👍

    1. Thanks Ken! I really enjoyed building them up (pun intended!)

  6. Those BUAs returned out really nicely! Well done, I like these a lot.

    1. Thank you Pete! 6mm enables you to come up with good quality stuff pretty quickly.

  7. Cracking little things, well done

  8. Lovely looking modular terrain!
    Best Iain

  9. Ooo, these look good! I may have to steal this idea from you very soon. Excellent work!

    1. Thank you very much and feel free to steal as many ideas as you want 😊

  10. They look really nice! I have a soft spot for hex terrain.

    1. Thanks Barks. Hexes are visually pleasing but they are also very useful on table to calculate line of sight, crestlines and so on.
