Wednesday, April 22, 2020

From TeemuL: More Magma Hounds (10 points)

Two more Magma Hound terminators for my Kill Team. These were started during the Challenge X, so I count full points from them, tick them to the U and N list, since I need them for my Kill Team Campaign once we are able to play (you need 4 Chaos Space Marine Terminators to a single Kill Team, right?). I'd like to couple of Chaos Space Marines to my list, but I don't have proper parts... I do have some metal bodies, but I'm missing backpacks, some hands and heads.

Nothing special here, the same gold and purple scheme, that I have used before.

Black Templar Contrast paint suits very well for the weapons, I think. It gives them nice look, no need to highlight or anything.

I have now painted all four classic CSM Terminators, which were Abaddon's retinue back in time. Now I have something else on my desk. Also, if you would like to see something painted by me, please write something on the comments! It might be some past project, you would like to see more, something from my List to tick or something else. I'm open to suggestions, because at the moment I don't need to paint any specific miniatures for gaming purposes...

U: 2 (total 5)
N: 2 (total 3)
W: 0 (total 1)
F: 0 (total 12)
R: 0 (total 14)
S: 0 (total 2)
10 points for 2 miniatures (total 168)
From Minion TeemuL:
Gold and Purple looks very nice, but I really like the carefully drybrushed skulls!


  1. Not my cup of tea Teemu but I sure can recognise a great paint job when I see one. Very well done !!!

    1. Thanks Mike! Just trying to keep it tidy and mixing different paints.

  2. Great looking chaos terminators. Those classic models are still very cool.

  3. Very nice colour choice - slaanesh worshipping I assume?

    1. Actually they worship Chaos Undivided, if I remember correctly. But yes, very slaaneshy colors.

  4. Great looking classic Termies, Teemu. As to a request: How about something 'Fresh' from your newly acquired pile?

  5. Way outside my knowledge zone but they look good 👍

  6. What Ken said! Especially since I didn’t have fire his Yarkshire lingo through google translate for once!

  7. Lovely looking classic terminators!
    Best Iain

  8. Very good painting, nice models and overall splendid result!

    1. Thank you, not the easiest sculpts to paint, but they look good from the distance. 😁

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you! There were options to use dark red or violet, red would have hinted to Khorne, so I didn't take that. It seems that they are Emperor's Children now...
