Wednesday, April 22, 2020

From PeterA: Some Modern Russians

Despite being on lockdown, time seems to have slipped by alarmingly quickly since I last posted at the beginning of the month. So, even though the unit isn't finished, I thought I had better post these up sharpish.

They are all 20mm Modern Russians from Liberation Miniatures. I attempted to represent VSR camo on some of them, but at tabletop distance it can't be made out (which is its job I suppose) so several are without - I may go back and add this in later, but for now they are done. The other feature was adding a bigger collar out of greenstuff in an effort to represent the jackets many Russian soldiers wore in the First Chechen War.

I also revisited a couple of BTR80s (also from Liberation), heavily weathering them with AK pigments. I may have gone too far with this but then again, I have seen plenty of pictures of pretty filthy Russian vehicles!

That's all for now - stay safe and stay healthy!


  1. Your converted collars add a realistic touch. Well done.

  2. Nice work on these Russian chaps 👍

  3. Great work, like the added collars.

  4. Wonderful work on these Peter. The collars and camo look terrific. I'm really enjoying following this project.

  5. Lovely work on these modern Russians!
    Best Iain

  6. Well done on these Russians Peter!

