Tuesday, May 19, 2020

From Barks: More Blood Bowl Orcs

I am slogging my way through this project. All the white needs a black undercoat, all the yellow needs a brown undercoat, all the metal gets a black undercoat... it is slow going. But I made progress with these Blitzers who are some of the best players in the game.

I rewarded myself with these squigs, which have been on my to-do list for years. They'll be turn markers or reroll counters or something. Three are GW, and the helmeted one is from Goblin Guild.

I think squigs are one of GW's best inventions.


  1. Great looking Blitzers and lovely squigs!
    Best Iain

  2. They look pretty vicious! I'm sure my halfling team would take care of them, though...

    1. I've learned not to misunderestimate the 'flings...

  3. Lovely work on this bloodthirsty crew Barks, love the vivid red.

  4. Great looking Blitzers, Barks! I agree, Squigs are one of GWs best inventions (up there with servo-skulls and those creepy cyber-cherub thingies).

  5. Nice work. The bright colours really pop and they have bags of character. I love that helmeted Squig.

  6. They are a great set of Blood Bowl figs 👍

  7. The concept of Blood Bowl is entirely alien to me, but this is a fantastic paintjob!
