Wednesday, May 6, 2020

From TeemuL: Walls and boxes (5 points)

Not much this week, just a couple of wall sections (4) from the Sigmarite Mausoleum box, which I bought almost three years ago to have some terrain on the Age of Sigmar Skirmish games. Better late than never, and of course these can be used in other environments as well. I have now finished all the walls, just two big gates and couple of mausoleums to paint. These were painted in greenish black like most of stone buildings, it is quick and rather easy. These just had lots of skulls and metal pikes, so it was not that quick. All of these were started long before AHPCX.


I painted the shields in different colors to get some brightness and variation to the walls.

Some GW Texture (Technical nowadays) paint on the ground to create a lava like effect.


Most of my hobby time went to assembling and filling these Warchests from Sally4th. They are very nice and they fit very nicely on my shelves, which was a major factor when choosing what to buy.

These white Delux boxes were on discount and there were some issues, but I contacted them and they will send the missing parts in the next shipment, once I figure out what I actually need.

I'll reward myself 5 points for finishing the walls, nothing else.

U: 4 (total 10)
N: 0 (total 4)
W: 0 (total 1)
F: 0 (total 12)
R: 0 (total 14)

S: 0 (total 2)

5 bonus points for finishing terrain pieces started before AHPCX
5 total (total 208)

From Minion TeemuL:
Very cool storage system and nice walls.


  1. Nice boxes Teemu. I tried these out for my figures but the internal dimensions were a few millimeters shy of fitting two based side by side - darn the difference between internal and external measurements! I’m instead using KR boxes with my own design of filling

    1. I mostly have single based miniatures, so it is not a problem getting them into the box. I should pay some attention to the height, so that the space would be used effeciently. The purpose of the boxes is to save space - well, one of the purposes.

  2. A very practical storage solution. I like the look of the walls and gates!

    1. I probably should have taken a close up of one the walls to show the details better...

  3. That really does look well, great stuiff, both the walls and the boxes!

  4. Nice looking fences Teemu. Those boxes look far too organized! Better do something about that.

    1. Yeah, they are only half full and they were test pieces. :)

  5. Good looking gates! From very far away! Smart storage system, looks great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I'll try to take closeups for my next post.
