Saturday, April 25, 2020

From PeteF: Mixed Bag of Elves for SAGA, Old School Figures and Lizards Rebased (50 points)

Photography Helper

This week's hobbying involved a bit of rebasing and finishing one more unit for SAGA Age of Magic.

The rebased 25mm Napoleonics are Foremost casts that my Dad painted back in the day. There were just enough for three bases which will do for a small french battalion for the Quatres Bras project. So here is the 3rd Battalion of the 108th ligne. The Foremost poses are really nice - I think they were taken over by Hinchcliffe and that you can still get them from Hinds Figures.

The next bit of rebasing was these eight lizards that I used to test out contrast paints and a Kings of War colour scheme last year. In the end I went with firey red, orange and yellow lizards - with not stripes of spots - rejecting the greens and blues. They'll do OK as one point of warriors for SAGA Age of Magic.

The elves are also for SAGA Age of Magic and I've based them on magnets so they can also be put on a metal tray for Kings of War - making a troop of elf palace guard. They got colour shift green armour and I had some fun trying out different Celitc-y designs on the cloaks. I'll field eight of these elves as a point of warriors or maybe 2 points of hearthguard, depending on which faction I choose for them. The factions in SAGA Age of Magic are generic fantasty types: Great Kingdoms, Lords of the Wild, Undead Legions, The Horde, The Otherworld and Masters of the Underneath. So you can play the same miniatures as a few different factions while you figure out which one you like best.

I'm definitely getting the urge to add more Minifigs to the Quatres Bras army (13 battalions, 3 1/2 batteries and a bunch of cavalry to go) - so I'll work on that in the coming weeks... although one of my wargaming friends is talking about Dracula's America and those figures look great.


  1. Great work on your French line,rebased they look ace! The lizards look good but your freehand design on the elvish cloaks is excellent!
    Best Iain

  2. Nice work. The elf cloaks are awesome.

  3. Some great work here, particularly the elves and their excellent cloaks!

  4. Those lizards really look fearsome!

  5. Love the old school Napoleonics, and even the lizards, but those cloaks... marvellous!

  6. Very nice; good work on the cloaks!

  7. Always love seeing stuff for your Napoleonic project. As others have already said, those elven cloaks are amazing. Great work (and a wonderful helper you have there).

  8. Great stuff Pete. Your preaching to the choir on your Quatre Bras project and those Saga figures are well done.

  9. Those elves look particularly sharp in a very nice set of figures.

  10. Absolutely great work on the cloaks especially given all that drapery, I for one hate working on white or cream but this looks really good
