Friday, May 8, 2020

JTinQT - Week Six - Swiss XBow Skirmisher

Dear All,

Pretty pathetic single figure post again this week. In this years painting challenger I did a Swiss skirmish unit for Basic Impetus. This was a two figure unit base but decided skirmishers look better with three figures so just painted and added another in - luckily it fitted nicely in the middle space so an easy job to add in.

Think this figure is from Wargames Foundry - an old Perry sculpture. Well think all Foundry are old sculpts aren't they? Anyway just a little job out of the way.

Cheers Jez. 


  1. Little steps will carry you a long way eventually. A fine looking Swiss, mixes well with the other two!

  2. Lovely looking crossbow man, neat looking unit!
    Best Iain

  3. Slow and Steady wins the race 👍

  4. Nice looking crossbow man. The three figs per base looks better. I’m old enough that I think of these figures as newer!

  5. Paint one figure and finish a unit? That sort of quick win finds much favour with me!

  6. Great work Jezz (the canton cross is a great touch)! I've always had a soft spot for these older Perry sculpts. I just wish they were a tad bigger to fit in with contemporary ranges.
