Friday, May 8, 2020

From GrantH: Chindit Officers and NCOs

Now that my final exams are over, I finally have time to begin working on my backlog of minis! Most recently, this has taken the form of finally starting to work through my collection of pacific theater troops from WW2. Up first are a small group of Chindits of the "Forgotten Army" from Warlord Games. I quite liked working on the character models of some of the better known officers, and they will certainly go on to add some flair to my Bolt Action or Chain of Command Games.

 Major Bernard Fergusson (left) and Lieutenant George Albert Cairns (Right)
Ferguson was an officer attached to a Black Watch unit in the Chindits and Lieutenant Cairns was awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously for exceptional courage in the Burma campaign. Both are individuals with exploits worth reading about.

Radio operator and Major-General Orde Wingate, the officer responsible for the creation of the Chindit forces.

Chindit NCOs

Medic and another NCO

Next up I will probably have more pacific theater troops to present or perhaps some vikings that I have been slowly working through for a change... 


  1. Very nice these, I like your basing too!

  2. Great looking chindits!
    Best Iain

  3. Very nice work, great to see this campaign getting some love.

  4. Welcome back to the Challenge, Grant. These Chindits look terrific. I love seeing all these character figures.

  5. They look like an interesting set of characters.
