Sunday, June 7, 2020

From MikeV: 6mm Portuguese Line Infantry and Cacadores

As a continuation of my current Peninsular project I have this week completed a further two regiments of Portuguese infantry - the 5th Line (First Elvas) and the 2nd Cacadores regiments. Both regiments belonged to the Second or Centre Division and carry the distinctive white standard.

I am now close to my 24 stand target for the Portuguese, with only four stands to go. At 20 stands strong, they are now the equivalent of a 7,200 force on table in Age of Eagles terms. I cannot say that I am pleased with my progress - it is quite possible to be much more productive when painting 6mm figures but I have other life stuff going on which obviously take away precious painting time. This week I hope to wrap up painting figures and concentrate on a few terrain items.

All figures from Baccus as usual.

Cheers all!

The two regiments completed this week
2nd Cacadores
5th Line Infantry
The full Portuguese complement


  1. Great looking models!

    It's time Baccus starts taking orders again, i have my finger on the trigger to order three army boxes x-D

    1. Good idea! Thankfully I’ve hoarded quite a bit of Baccus figures to keep me going for a while.

      Thanks for commenting Tom.

  2. Fantastic work Mike, they look excellent.

  3. Excellent work! They look splendid! Life does have a tendency to get in the way!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Get in the way it absolutely does!

  4. In know all about it, and your production still exceeds my own considerably. These look very good again, love the cacadores in their characteristic brown uniforms. Drawn up together your Portuguese are quite a sight already!

    1. Thanks Martijn! I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before you pick up your rhythm again. Agree with you on the cacadores - their uniforms really make them stand out.

  5. Mpre Portuguese goodness. Lovely work Mike!

  6. I remain in awe of your ability to paint such tiny minis so well.

    1. Thanks a lot Stuart! It’s not as difficult as it may seem especially with the help of proper magnification.

  7. I’ve been loving this project, well done.

  8. They keep coming and they keep looking awesome 👍
