Saturday, June 6, 2020

KenR 28mm 7tv Baddies

A little update on the 7tv Cops and Robbers mini Project which is now almost done and this post covers (mostly) bad guy bosses.

The figures are all 28mm Crooked Dice and excellent quality. With the camera counting as a crew served weapon it's equivalent to 14 Figs at 5 points a piece giving me 70 points and a virtual Quarantine Total of 1378.

I'll do a post on the buildings when they are finished (there's another in the builders yard at the mo) but they do work lovely with these figs.

Here's the lone Cop in this batch, the 7tv Tough Detective, who is a dead ringer for John Thaws character Jack Reagan in The Sweeney.

No points for these but I've picked up some more vehicles for the period, no painting awesome 👍

My favourite is the Camera Man and Camera, for those who don't know 7tv is set in a TV Studio and has casts battling against each other for ratings. He has been painted up in Yarkshire TV colours and is likely to appear on a regular basis over on my YouTube channel.

I do have a group of 3 Scooter riders left from my 7tv stuff but I've put them to one side for the moment. I'm working on the terrain for the Sweeney stuff and building up some Scenarios whilst gaming is on hold.

Next up on the paint table are some WW1 British Cavalry, it's a big unit so it might be some time before I get them done.


  1. Great looking bunch of baddies! Love the Van's too!
    Best Iain

  2. 'You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.'

    Wonderful work on these bad lads, Ken. I really like The Red Lion as well.

    1. Cheers Curt, the buildings are a real find, I've got one more to do and I put them up on here 👍

  3. Fantastic looking group of gangsters and ne'er-do-wells.

  4. Well done on these villains and I especially like the Yarkshire TV guy. I’ll second Curts nod on the a Red Lion, which TV cop show did it figure in?

    1. Cheers Peter, The Red Lion was my local back home, it still has the table in it that my Grandad did his A Level homework on 👍

  5. Great job Ken. I agree, I love the camera crew as well. Fine stuff.

  6. Very nice mixed bag of figures. The cameraman rocks!

  7. The mix of terrain, figures and vehicles is brilliant ......... how about a modern police skirmish game taking place on the film set of a 1970's sitcom where one of the extra's has gone rogue?

    1. I'm building a set of scenarios based on the TV Series the Sweeney which was late 70s Cops show, that might turn up as a scenario 👍
