Saturday, March 27, 2021

From StuartL - The Tyrant of Badab

After the end of the Chambers of Challenge, I spent a few days getting my hobby room sorted out. I had to arrange all of the Challenge XI minis for photos and that took a couple of days, then I had to find homes for them all, and that took a while too. Thankfully though, that's all more or less taken care of and I can concentrate on painting again. Or not. Towards the end of the challenge I was getting itchy feet (or itchy hands to be more precise) and wanted to start sticking minis together, trying out a few kit bashes and generally get stuck into the big pile of sprues I have cluttering up the place. So I'm probably going to be taking this Vaccine Challenge at a slower pace to begin with as I get more of the assembly side of the hobby done. 

One project that I am keen to work on is my Warhammer 40,000 Badab War collection. I have one army built and painted for it already (The Tyrant's Legion from Imperial Armour 9) and a second underway, (Space Sharks), but I have plans in my head for several more. After decades of buying marines, I have a million of the blighters and not that many painted 40K armies. Back when I was a callow youth of 25-30ish, I never really bothered with painting that much. It was only when I got into historical gaming that I started to force myself into an 'Only painted minis on the table' mindset. Now that I am focussing on 40K again I'm going to try and get some more marines done. 

To start things off, I have painted Mr. Badab War himself, Chapter Master Lufgt Huron of the Astral Claws, aka the Tyrant of Badab. More accurately, I have RE-painted the model. I originally had it done up in grey, rather than the correct metallic silver colour for the Astral Claws. 

I have also taken this opportunity to mess around with weathering pigments on the legs, base, armour vents and flamer barrel. A character model is perhaps not the best thing to be experimenting with to be honest, but too late now. 

Overall, I'm quite happy with the way the pigments worked, but I may go back and tidy up the stone base the mini is standing on.

As the winter challenge was pretty intense in terms of duels and points, I am not going to be keeping score during the Vaccine Challenge. This is going to be a more casual, more relaxing time I think.


  1. Excellent redux Stuart. As one who subscribes to 'Only finished stuff on the table' I applaud your efforts with your Badab project. I look forward to seeing it develop over the coming months.

    1. Hopefully I'll get a few figures done for it during this challenge.

  2. That is one Badass Badab figure! But the big question is of course: how many SKULLZ? Oh BARKS!!!?

    1. The skull counting machinery is still having a bit of a lie down after the thrashing it took in challenge XI.

  3. Ah, brings back memories of the first mention on the Badab war in White Dwarf waaaaaaay back in time that I had. Smashing job on the big fella.

    1. Thanks. I don't usually like resin, but this guy is pretty central to the narrative.

  4. Great job - and what a cool subject too, very nice.

  5. Very eyecatching figure, great job!
