Monday, May 18, 2020

From RossM: 4 x 15mm War of The Roses (8 points)

Where are the weeks going? Is this the start of week seven or eight; not sure anymore and they are all becoming one in lockdown. 

A small post this time round consisting of 4 15mm War of the Roses figures from Gladiator Miniatures. 

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These are part of the additional elements required to take the DBA army up to the level of an ADLG army. The first of quite a few additional bases especially of foot. 

These will be retinue billmen in game terms and part of Oxford's command in the overall scheme of things.

For the points tally it is time to get painting and basing. 

4 x 15mm infantry = 8 points

This takes the running total to 96 points of 500 or 19.2%

Hope that you found this interesting. 

Stay safe and cheers for now. 


  1. Nice looking quartet of billmen!
    Best Iain

  2. Replies
    1. An interesting name for a billhook; very appropriate!

      Cheers, Ross

  3. Great looking billmen Ross. I thought they were 28s when I first glanced at them and had to recheck your title!

  4. Thank you Curt greatly appreciated

    Cheers, Ross

  5. Nice group of billmen, well done.

  6. I haven't seen any Gladiator miniatures in a long time, nice job 👍

  7. Very nice work! Love the victim of the procurement department's "one size fits all" helmet policy.
