Saturday, May 30, 2020

From ClarenceH: 76 Models in Two Weeks!

That's it! Four units of Beja infantry (two with spears, one with swords, and one with rifles) for my Mahdist army!

And a few trees (I'm up to around a dozen - I've been fitting these into spare moments between units). Just twelve camel riders and a mounted Emir (got a head start on these today, though sadly I don't think I'll have much time tomorrow to make further progress over the weekend) and I'll be ready to march on the infidels!

I'm working on a small, straight forward scenario now, a reconnaissance in force by a British company to investigate reports of massing enemy troops in a nameless village east of Ginnis that could threaten the southern rail line. It will (hopefully) be the first shots in a mini-campaign!


  1. Excellent productivity and lovely figures.

  2. Beautiful work Clarence! Those camel troops are coming along wonderfully.

  3. Wow that’s productive and great quality too!

  4. Lots of figures, nicely done!
    Best Iain

  5. Great work and it's lovely to see some Camels 👍

  6. A very impressive output. Well done.

  7. That really is what we like to call a pointsbomb! And such brilliant quality at that great stuff!
