Wednesday, May 13, 2020

From PeteF: New Bases for Old Soldiers, the Flocking Continues

British Flags courtesy of Napflag

The nice thing about the Quarantine Challenge is that I can show off my dad's old Minifigs and Hinchcliffe as I get them table ready for Quatres Bras in 2021, 2022? sometime in the future. A substantial part of the army has made it to the states on various trips over the last few years. All I have to do is put the little fellas on bases and make them look nice and they'll be ready for my wargaming friends to enjoy as soon as we can get together over a cold beer.

This has been another few days of intense flocking - so much so that supplies are running low and I may need to take advantage of my FLGS's new curbside pickup service. Here are the Kings Dragoon Guards, Dutch Light Dragoons, a KGL battalion and two British Line battalions along with some command and some Frenchies.

I went all in with this lot giving them a coating of crushed cat litter which largely hides the integral bases and provides some rocks (with no need for painting/highlighting) before 2 colours of fine brown grit to simulate mud, a blend of turf flock and then tufts and static grass. I did debate whether I wanted to do new school bases with old school figures - would it clash and take away from the 1980s vibe? but I'm happy with the results.

Dutch cavalry standard fabricated from a picture found on the internet

This has been a good week for my Minifigs addiction collection as I was able to pick up a bunch of Old Guard and some great coated infantry for a very reasonable price on EBay. I was hoping to get even more from the same seller as he's breaking up a substantial collection - unfortunately it looks like others have found him and I'm too cheap to pay much more than 50 cents a figure. I'll have to lie in wait until next time - in the meantime I have plenty of Minfigs to be getting on with.


  1. That looks like a lot of time and hard work, and it has paid off very nicely.

  2. If the new school basing looks better than old school basing, why not? It just makes the beautiful old school model popup more. :)

  3. Bringing new life to old minis, lovely 👍

  4. It’s great to see those lovely old models again! Some of those Hinchcliffe types look very familiar. Good show!

  5. Great to see this, and the project progressing by leaps and bounds!

  6. Terrific work Pete. I hope your ebay hunting pays off with more of these treasures for us to enjoy.

  7. Those are old minis? They are so well preserved they seem fresh off the worktop!

    1. Yes - the only things that are new are the bases, flock and flags. It's a testament to Humbrol... I wonder if my Vallejo acrylics will hold up this well.

  8. Lovely looking old school Napoleonics with good looking new school basing!
    Best Iain

  9. Thanks for your kind comments - more of this project soon!
