Sunday, May 16, 2021

From StuartL - I'm Still Here

Um... It's been far too long since I last posted. Sorry.

Over the past few weeks, I have been busy with hobby stuff, just not really very much painting. I've been assembling minis and drafting up army lists (handily doing double duty as shopping lists) and all of the other things that go into this wonderful hobby of ours. I have done some painting, but my inner Squirrel has had me start a batch of minis, get distracted, put them to the side, start another bunch and so on. Thankfully some of those batches have started to get close to completion, so I do have something to post today and a bit more to come sooner rather than later.

This cyclops is from Reaper Minis' Bones range and it was a very easy paint job. Which is actually kind of depressing as it has taken me far too long to get done. He's quite a chunky fellow and stands about 50mm tall.

At some point I'm probably going to use him for D&D, along with all the other RPG minis I have painted over the past year and a bit that my group has been socially distancing.


  1. A great figure, Stuart. Love the amulets around his neck. The eye came out well (always tricky, I find), and a fine job overall!

    1. Thanks. I use a black marker pen to do eyes (or eye in this case). Far easier than mucking about with a brush.

  2. Great work on this imposing big hulking* brute

  3. Really nice old skool Stuart!

    1. Thanks Sander. Hopefully my players get a chance to meet him sooner rather than later.

  4. That is a very cool cyclops, Stuart, I really like his earthy skin tone. Some poor slob's about to get their day ruined with that boulder he's about to lob.
