Saturday, March 28, 2020

From TomM: Warriors of Lothlorien

Amidst painting models for Battle Companies etc this month, I`ve been tidying up some other models as well.

Nothing fancy, mostly things that didn`t get finished in the AHPC and as such where standing on the desk in a state of half painted.

The first as such have been these 5 warriors of Lothlorien, who "had" to go with the likewise entry, but due to time restraints the entry was cut a bit smaller.

So now I've completed them, adding some more cheap (okay, relative with Elves) infantry to the budding force.

If I would only paint up the two armoured ones, that would be another Battle Company completed, so I`ll look into that soonishly.


  1. More nice looking elves, good to see you picking up where you left off!
    Best Iain

  2. A great set of Elves, well done.

  3. Great figures, makes me want to dive back in to Middle Earth

  4. Nice work Tom!

    I'm avoiding re-watching "The Lord of the Rings" because it will throw me off my current painting trajectory...

  5. Those Elves look like they mean business! Nice work.

  6. Great Elven warriors! Another avenue I really don't want to take. Seriously. I don't. Do I?
