Wednesday, April 15, 2020

AdamC- Militant Peasants

These are some figures I picked up second hand from my gaming and bloging friend AJ.  The plan is to use them as characters and support troops in a game inspired by Seven Samurai but set in Western Europe. I’ll probably use some simplified version of Saga (no Battle board) or Dragon Rampant as I plan to run this game as kid friendly.  I have an acquaintance here in town who runs a mini gaming convention for the Cub Scouts, and I ran a game one time and really want to do it again
 There are some hero types including two fellows who clearly used to work Erol Flynn’s Robin Hood. The two crossbowmen are probably two old army buddies since they seem to be executing the same “drill.”
There are also some great characters including the watchman with his horn, the Friar who clearly has issues with the sin of gluttony, and the baker.  Now I just need Annie over at Bad Squiddo to do a less well-dressed version of her shield maidens to go with them.