Monday, April 6, 2020

From Sander and ArthurS: Meet Starshine... (5 points)

So once upon a time there were two heroic adventurers ranging all the dungeons in the Old World. From Kellars Keep up to the Frozen North they trekked, you know how it goes: there and back again.

Many an hour did Arthur and myself spend playing Heroquest (and Necromunda...and Space Crusade...and Space Hulk... this may take a while), but never were/ are we joined by misses S.  Arthur's mum dislikes anything utilising violence and that includes pretty much all games an 8 year old plays. So when Arthur imploringly asked mum, puppy-eyed and all, what it would take for her to join us in a game of Heroquest, she needed to think fast in order to avoid doing so. After a little pause for thought she imagined she had found the ultimate unreachable goal indeed: "If you guys manage to paint me a pink and purple unicorn, I will play a game along with you." Mum was counting on my aversion against anything unicornish (pun-intended) and the lad's aversion of pink to be spared the fate of delving the board with us for treasure.

She could not have been more wrong...

I will let the pictures speak for themselves shall I?

These are Impact miniatures My Little Pony look-a-likes, only they have an evil glare to the eye. (I have just created a tag/ label for "My Little Pony")  They come in packs of 4 with two sporting horns and two without, and an ample spread of wings and sundry stuff to glue on.The one to the right has been painted by Arthur and that's the one Mum uses for her games. Is there a Sarah's Choice in this Challenge? And if so do these apply?

To use them with a game you need some stuff:

A characterbooklet to keep track of things, a big character card describing the figure and it's abilities, 3 magic cards (in Dutch) that describe the spells the pony can use (with names like: "Glitter-in-your-eyes!", "Jar-of-cookies" and "Magic-lightning!") Oh and pink HQ dice...

I think my brain is dying on me truly... Apart from Starshine (the figure Arthur painted) these were all done just before this Quarantine Challenge started, as Tamsin well knows ;-) but I wanted to show you anyway.

What I did paint this week is a test figure for a new project. While I am still adding to my first wargames love (the Dark Angels, 40K), I thought it time for a different coloured space marine army and after watching the hilarious rant by Arch (love him or loath him) I just had to do something with the Celestial Lions or Star Kitties. So now you know why I have combined these two figures in one post.

The Celestial Lion shoulder pauldron has been done on the 3D printer and boy do I love that!
I really like this scheme and reinforcements for the Kitties are ordered and incoming.
For now I want to get some more 3D printed stuff done and am still painting Star Wars Legion miniatures. See you next time!


  1. The celestial lion is amazing, great work on that one, but those unicorns, oh my those unicorns.... Starshine indeed. The things we do for love, eh?

    1. Cheers, they were a lot more fun to paint then I care to admit ;-)

  2. Nicely done!
    Wow..."Celestial Lions" look :)

    1. They are actually a cannon force I didn't make them up myself, look at the link under the word ARCH in the text.

  3. Absolutely brilliant! The Celestial Lion is great, but the unicorns open up so many, many possibilities! They're wonderful!
    My daughter plays a Ponies RPG with her friends - but she's 31! She's just given me some Dungeons and Doggies figures to paint, thereby wrecking all my painting plans!an
    We should definitely institute a cuteness side-challenge (for figures, not painters - we don't want to scare anyone!) Maybe points could be awarded by an independent arbiter, such as Mrs Sander or someone's junior relative?

    1. The missus agrees with you, I am not too sure ;-)

  4. Great looking unicorns! I really like the demonic one and the space marine is ace!
    Best Iain

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah they are the start of my Poney-brook project!

  6. This is brilliant Sander. I love that you called your wife's bluff and presented her with precisely the figures she 'desired' in order to get her to play. Genius. I'm also mightily impressed with the character cards you created. Like Mr. Wick, you are a man of singular purpose and commitment. Well done!

  7. That is certainly a colourful and different entry. Well done. The marine looks cool too.

    1. Thanks Stuart, the Lion's armour should actually be golden, but I rather dislike that even though it's sometimes unavoidable. This "Yellow" I like far better.

  8. Friendship is magic, and magic is heresy! Great fun!

    1. Something like that is actually on the back of the magic cards but I forgot to take a picture.. doh!
