Sunday, April 5, 2020

From Iannick : Emperor's Children Phoenix Guards

Although I am one of those "essential" workers, and work a lot I do, and as such the mandatory isolation hasn't allowed me the same free time as others, the lack of any social life on the week-ends sure helps my painting output.

And so I join this quarantine challenge with a logical follow-up to my Analogue Hobbies output, with more Epic goodness!

Here is another infantry detachment for my Emperor Children legion, and a pretty cool one at that; the Phoenix Guards. 

The Guards served as ceremonial honour guards to Fulgrim, the Primarch of the legion. On the field of battle, the Phoenix Guard provided an impenetrable ring of courage and steel, barring the approach of any enemy who dared challenge their Primarch.

In Epic Armageddon, these can be fielded as a stand alone detachment, but they are also mandatory if one chooses to field Fulgrim himself, the Primarch of the IIIrd Legion. You may remember I painted Fulgrim during the challenge, so obviously painting the Phoenix Guards was the logical next step.

The figures are lovely, full of details, and they tower over my other Epic infantry, even my terminators, standing approximately 9mm tall. It makes them look extra special on the gaming table. I spent a bit more time on them than I usually do on Epic infantry, as I wanted them to look the part. Very happy with the result. The gold really compliments the purple. 

I assume my next entry will be more Epic, although I've also just started working on a new 6mm stay tuned!

Best of luck to everyone! Here in Quebec we just learned today we are in for another month of isolation! More quarantine excitement, yeah!


  1. Lovely looking tiny chaos space marines!
    Best Iain

  2. Great little figures, they certainly look the part!

  3. That's some lovely work on those 👍

  4. Fine work Iannick, these fellows will be excellent to accompany one of the most emotionally insecure Primarchs in the galaxy to battle...or just to any meeting he goes to...

    1. hahaha Tell me you wouldn't bring them to work meetings if you could!

  5. Lovely looking Termi-huscarls Iannick. The extra time spent really shows. Where did you source these models from (PM me if you can). They are terrific.

  6. Excellent work - really great to see the detail picked out here!

  7. Wonderful work! EC were always one of my favourite legions... second only to the fine lads of Perturabo... and maybe Death Guard ;-)

  8. Awesome looking minis. I'm constantly impressed by your epic figures.

  9. Thank you all for the kind comments!
