Sunday, April 5, 2020

KenR A Blake's 7 Reprise

For those of you with really good memories I did a big group of figures from Blake's 7 a few years back on the regular Winter Paint Challenge. I have had these six hanging around waiting to be finished since then. As the lad is home from Uni we are busy researching the series and that has led to an interest in the game again (we had a family 7tv scenario today).

These six figures are characters that joined later on in the 4 season run or are additional models giving an updated late run version of original characters. Above left to right are Dayna, Soolin and Tarrant.

The three above are the late versions, Blake himself on the left, Avon in the middle and Villa on the right,

Villa was a great character, a confirmed coward, desperate to look after himself and stay out of danger but a fantastic thief and expert lock picker, his interplay with Avon was often hilarious.

Avon, added new levels of sarcasm to a TV Series.

Soolin, a late series character, played by the lovely Glynnis Barber, most boys who were teenagers at the time will remember her !

So 8 x 28mm figs at 5 points a piece is 30 giving my personal total at 151. Tomorrow will see the reveal on the Italian Wars town.


  1. Nice work on these figures Ken. I have no memory of this series, but must have seen at least some episodes as it aired at a time when I was in the UK reasonably often.

    1. All avaliable on YouTube, shows it's age now and the special effects are creaky but great writing 👍

  2. This is wonderful stuff Ken. I really like that you and your son are revisiting the series and having some fun with it on the tabletop. Yes, Glynnis was (and still is ) very lovely. :)

    1. It's great fun to find an inbetween game between my historical stuff and his fantasy games, 7tv is a really good game 👍

  3. I remember Blake's 7 really well, I liked that even the good guys weren't all good, lovely finish on all of these! Looking forward to your Italian wars town!
    Best Iain

    1. Many thanks Iain, the depth of the characters was definitely one of its strong point.

  4. One of my absolute favourite series, I fondly remember watching with my dad as a teen. Great to see these figures, didn't even know these existed!

    1. Cheers, The figs are hard to get hold of now, the lad who makes them seems to stol and start selling them, thankfully I have all I need 👍

  5. Nice looking figures, very nostalgic.

  6. Well done. I can hear the music. And Orak. Who made the minis?

    1. Cheers, They were made by Crooked Dice, who do the 7tv game, however this range split off and are now done by a company called Beast in the Broch. However last time I looked they were not avaliable.

  7. Well done, Ken. I’m afraid this show passed me by.

    1. You are no dout far to young Sander 👍

    2. say what? How did you know I have never seen the series? Or is Barks' name Sander as well?

    3. I'm showing my age by not being able to read 😂 Apologies all 😁

  8. Great work Ken, really nice.

  9. Some very nice painting there Ken!
