Saturday, May 2, 2020

From DrQ: Zombies!

This week I kept plugging away on the Stilt Town Warband of Super Dungeon Explore by Soda Pop Minis.

These six guys are the basic swamp zombies—simplest paint job on them consisting of lots of washes and some OSL on the eyes.

The two on the left here are the prowler zombies—more speedy but less damage. On the right is the mini-boss Gruesome George. I've tried to tie all these together with similar skin tones and glowing eyes.

Finally, I managed to paint up the hero of the box, Survivor Marie-Claude. I really like how she came out. The miniature is inspired by a cosplayer from Canada who has worked with Soda Pop quite a bit. I enjoy the improvised weapons and think she'll fit in well as a tavern keep NPC in my next campaign—whenever that happens!

One last shot of Marie-Claude brandishing her rolling pin and skillet. 

With a little luck I'll finish off the last of the zombies next week and get on to some other projects.

Stay safe everyone!


  1. Well that certainly is a colourful bunch indeed!

  2. Marvelous work. The zombies look quite creepy.

  3. Sry silly stuff, love it. I ain’t messing with Marie-Claude

  4. Lovely bunch of zombies and a great looking survivor!
    Best Iain

  5. Very cool minis DrQ. Those zombie eyes remind me of what I see in the mirror when I don't get enough sleep...

  6. Very creepy, all of them, and I mean all. But a great paintjob!

  7. What fun figures! That survivor is particularly nicely done, as is the big dude with the outsized hand.
