Friday, May 1, 2020

JTinQT - Week 5 - Samurai Warrior

Dear All

Just a single submission for this week. Fancied a change and found this samurai warrior to paint up. I copied the material pattern from a picture of a sumo wrestling referee - they still wear traditional dress.  He might be useful in a samurai skirmish game sometime in the future and anyway fun to paint up.

Hopefully bit more output for next week ..........

Cheers Jez


  1. Great job, I especially like the weathered tone on the sleeves of the gi, looks just like my old Kendo gear!

  2. Nice job on the kimono, the pattern really suits the figure.

  3. Lovely looking samurai! Very nice repeat pattern!
    Best Iain

  4. Respect for the freehand mon on the kimono indeed!

  5. Outstanding stuff. Samurai are such a difficult subject to paint...hats off to all who attempt it successfully!

  6. Great work Jez! Love the patterned kimono.
