Friday, May 1, 2020

From PeteF: Old School Minifigs French Heavy Artillery

This battery of 12lb ers is from a box of Minifigs I got from a guy in New Zealand thanks to the wonders of E-Bay. The figures were beat up and had different painting styles - most were a bit shiny for my taste. I didn't strip the original paint - just a light brush on primer to take any gloss off and cover chips before repainting.

I'm not sure if the guns are also original Minifigs. Back in the day my dad preferred the Hinchcliffe guns for their superior detail - I think he liked hanging the little chains and buckets on them. I'm calling them twelve pounders and these two will be the II Corps Artillery (7th Battery, 2nd Artillery Battalion) for my Quatres Bras project. Just over half the artillery is now ready for battle - more to come next week.

Needing some additional  displacement activity, I did a full inventory for the Quatres Bras project this week. I'll have to get a few bits and pieces from Calivers to fill in the gaps in stuff I've purchased in bulk - about 40 foot and 30 mounted figures. Then there will be 300 or so foot and 120 mounted to paint to complete the French side of the battle. It will keep me busy for Challenge XI and beyond.


  1. Great stuff ... always good to see heavy artillery!

  2. Gotta love those. Great basing that fits the old school figs too.

  3. Nice guns. It sounds like a big project you have planned.

  4. Old Minifigs are still the biz 👍

  5. Lovely looking big guns! Great looking battery!
    Best Iain

  6. Lovely work, Pete. Nappy would be proud.

  7. Minifigs are always great, and these are no exception. Excellent stuff!
